A Modern Children's Story - Monsters are Real

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A Modern Children's Story - Monsters are Real is one of mementos found Dying Light 2. It is part of the Artifact Collectable set.


Once upon a time in Children's Land, Edmund was playing hide and seek with his best friend Nick, as usual. This time, however, they were playing too far from home - DESPITE EDMUND'S FATHER'S WARNINGS!!

Edmund spied Nick hiding between the vegetable patches and was about to tag him when he realized that Nick's leg was stuck.
Haha! You're clumsy, Nick!
Edmund tugged Nick's leg, but saw that creepy hands were holding him fast!

Suddenly, Nick vanished into the ground as a Monster popped out of the same spot. What have you done with Nick, Monster?
Edmund asked.
I ate him, haha! the Monster replied. ANd now, I'll eat you!
Edmund started to run away.

He ran home as fast as he could, but the Monster stayed close behind. Suddenly... Dad appeared! He punched the Monster in the nose and it fell down, dead. Edmund and his Dad went looking for Nick, but didn't find him. Edmund realized that he should have listened to his Dad in the first place. MY DAD IS THE BEST. HE KNOWS EVERYTHING. I SHOULD LISTEN BETTER NEXT TIME.