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Bekir is a bandit who took part in capturing the water pumping station during the events of Drought.


Show: Drought

Bekir: "Oh my God! What's going on? Don't hurt me! I give up! I give up!"
Crane: "Turn off that flashlight."
Bekir: "All right, all right, chief, you got it..."
Crane: "I've seen this uniform before. You're what's left of Rais's gang, huh?"
Bekir: "We're... I don't know, exactly... They didn't tell me, I just joined..."
Crane: "Quit lying, asshole. What're you fuckers doing out here?"
Bekir: "I don't know! I don't know!"
Crane: "You understand that I'm a hair away from killing you, right?"
Bekir: "Okay, okay, I'll talk! But all I know is the boss had a plan! Poison the water supply, loot everybody. We brought some corpses, threw them in the water..."
Crane: "You sick bastards. Who's your boss? Where is he?"
Bekir: "I don't know! I told you — I just joined! I didn't want to do it, I swear!"
Crane: "Yeah? Just following orders? Let's find out what Jasir has to say about that. See if he's in the mood to hear excuses."
Bekir: "Come on, chief! Don't do it! They'll fucking lynch me! I'm not gonna die! Not like that!"


  • Bekir has a unique weapon named after him.