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"Hey... hey hey hey hey... hhhhhheeey"

Brunek is a "Space Cock" in Dying Light 2 Stay Human who came to Earth to annihilate mankind.


Space Cock

Help Brunek escape Earth and return to space.


Show: Space Cock

Aiden: "You talk?"
Chicken: "Finally!"
Aiden: "What the hell?! A talking hen."
Chicken: "O, no no no. I'm no hen. I'm a cock. Space Cock."
Aiden: "You look more like a hen to me. And a talking one, too..."
Chicken: "It's a disguise. Why, it's obvious, you fool! I can't let anyone recognize me, hence the hen disguise. And I don't talk. I've been tuning our brain waves to make contact with you. Humans... First, that idiot, Steve... and now this guy. I am Brunek, Space Cock of the New Galactic Federation landing force, and I have come to annihilate you all."
Aiden: "What!?"
Chicken: "Well, at least that was our goal. Save Planet Earth from the pest. But you did it yourselves, without our help. Way to go..."
Aiden: "The pest?"
Chicken: "Right - you look like a fairly young Homo Sapiens specimen, you may be in the dark. Humans, as a species, have taken full control of the entire Planet Earth and all its resources. They greedily exploit them like a bark beetle devouring a healthy tree. The New Galactic Federation decided to exterminate people to save the Earth. But as we came here in 2014, the epidemic had already reached a fairly advanced stage. We made a decision to evacuate our kinsmen. We started with Harran - the hotbed of the plague. And we watched from a distance how the virus was managing. It did great - don't you think?"

Aiden: "(No.) I guess I haven't eaten poultry for a long time."
Chicken: "Easy there. Why so serious?"
Aiden: "(Yes.) Yes... it did great."
Chicken: "As we like to think - no use crying over a broken egg. Time to get down to business. That idiot, Steve, saved me from a trap, but since then... for over 15 years now... ...he's been keeping me in this cage... believing that I'm the only one who understands him. Which is not that hard... a simple mind... what's it gonna be with the new one here...? Don't screw it up, Brunek... come on."
Aiden: "Uhhh. I think you're talking to yourself."
Chicken: "I'm not talking! Transmitting thoughts. For this process, I have to tune my brain waves to another brain. And for 15 years, I've only had Steve's brain in here, until today. The day you showed up. OK, time to get down to business. In a nutshell: help me get out of here and there's gonna be a reward for ya."
Aiden: "(No.)"
Aiden: "(Yes.) I must have gone mad... but it's hard not to lose it around here. What do you need?"
Chicken: "That's right, my sweet little hen, daddy's coming home. A simple matter - an electronics module got fried in my ship..."
Aiden: "It does sound simple enough."
Chicken: "Well then, cluck! cluck! and off you go."

(After finding and placing the spaceship part)
Chicken: "We'll part our ways here - human. Considering your contribution to the New Galactic Federation, I'm sure the Council will be easy on ya. Come with me - nothing awaits you here."

Aiden: "(Maybe another time.) I still have a lot to do here. Maybe this will make your Federation change their opinion about us, humans."
Chicken: "Perhaps, human... perhaps. As soon as I get home - I'll send you a little gift."
Aiden: "Five dozen eggs?"
Chicken: "Look at you... wisecracker. Until we do not meet again - CLUCK."
Aiden: "Until we do not meet again."
Aiden: "(I agree.) Well, why not."
Chicken: "Off we go, then."
Aiden: "... Brunek ... I'm still here."
Chicken: "I didn't take your weight into account in my calculations. Unfortunately, it won't work this time human."
Aiden: "Maybe another time."
Chicken: "Maybe another time. As soon as I get home - I'll send you a little gift. Over and out."
Aiden: "Over and out."