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Careen is a former Peacekeeper spy who appear in Dying Light 2. She is involved in the quest "Deep Cover".


Show: Deep Cover

Aiden: "Have you milked the goats?"
Careen: "Goat milk is too sour for my tastes. The PKs sent you?"
Aiden: "Yes. Are you in danger?"
Careen: "Only from the PKs."
Aiden: "What do you mean?"
Careen: "I've... I've met someone. His name is Alfonse."
Aiden: "A Renegade."
Careen: "A man. Renegade, yes, but that's just a label like Peacekeeper. Tell the PK I was discovered and executed. Otherwise... they'll come after me. They won't stop. I'll lose Alfonse. I'll lose everything."
Peacekeeper (Stan): "Aiden? Stan here. Any luck?"
Aiden: "Yeah, I found her."

Aiden: "([I lie to the PK]) Her grave, I mean."
Peacekeeper (Stan): "What? They killed Careen?"
Aiden: "'Fraid so."
Peacekeeper (Stan): "Well, fuck me. Wait 'til the higher ups hear about this."
Peacekeeper (Ollie): "Told ya she was dead meat, man!"
Peacekeeper (Stan): "Thanks, Aiden. Guess there's nothing we can do about it."
Aiden: "Sorry I didn't have better news. Aiden out."
Careen: "Thank you. You saved my life!"
Aiden: "I guess it's not all about labels and uniforms."
Careen: "It's not enough, I know. But please take this, with my deepest gratitude."
Aiden: "Thanks, but I won't make it out of here alive to spend it. They must be searching for me by now."
Careen: "There is a door behind you. You can escape unnoticed."
Aiden: "Thanks. And good luck."
Aiden: "([I tell the PK the truth.]) She's standing right in front of me."
Careen: "You bastard!"
Peacekeeper (Stan): "So she's okay? What gives?"
Aiden: "Seems she's taken a shine to Renegade life. Sorry to break it to you."
Peacekeeper (Stan): "Well... tell her she's fucked for sure now. Wait 'til the higher ups hear about this."
Peacekeeper (Ollie): "Oh, she's dead meat for sure, now!"
Peacekeeper (Stan): "Like Ollie said. Thanks, Aiden. We'll handle her from here. Stan out."
Careen: "You'll pay for that. Help! In here! I'm being attacked. Help!!! Help!!!"
Aiden: "Dammit!"