Conspiracy Theories

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Conspiracy Theories is one of mementos found in Dying Light 2. It is part of the Artifact Collectable set.


Wake up, sheeple! The virus is a HOAX! And it's being perpetrated by the corporate-sponsored global government elites! They wish to impose a new world order where ordinary citizens like you and me are controlled by nanochips delivered through vaccines, insidious 5G technology, electronic muzzles, psychotronic weapons, chemtrails, holographic doppelgangers... They're even targeting our children by embedding subliminal messages in their cartoons! The Committee of Three Hundred, ruled by Ancient Aliens, wants us complacent and docile... before they annihilate us! Don't believe their lies about this so-called 'virus'. Reject their mind control tactics! For the sake of yourselves and your children... wake up and FIGHT!!!