Dialog Interface

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First Menu Bar



New dialog

Makes it possible to create a new dialog inside your project.

Open dialog

You can open any dialog available inside your project.

Save dialog

Save your current loaded dialog inside your project.

Save all dialogs

Saves all currently loaded dialogs.

Save dialog as...

Save and make a new dialog by using a different name.


Validates any issues or missing settings.

Rename dialog

Rename any dialog available inside your project.

Close dialog

Closes your current running dialog.

Close all

Closes all current loaded dialogs.


Enable/disable debug

Enables or disables the debugging feature for the dialog-editor.

Enable/disable Camera helpers

Enables or disables all camera helpers ingame about your related nodes.

Enable/disable Triggers and helpers visualization

Enables or disables all triggers and visual helpers for your nodes.

Enable/disable Dialogs Solo Playback

Enables/Disables the Dialogs Solo playback option for further and more direct testing.

Change dialog preview entity

You can change the dialogs preview entity at any time.

Select dialog entity

Select any dialog entity by using the settings tab.

Teleport to dialog

Teleport to any used or selected dialog ingame applied to any Dialog related NPCS.


Lets you launch the dialog system with your applied settings.


Stops the dialog system from testing for going back editing.

Reset Simulation Cache

Any recent saved cache will be resetted back to default.


Re-Generate Prefab

Regenerates all prefabs again which have been created previously.

Prefab config

Brings you back to the dialog popup window for making different changes.

Save Timeline as Template

Your timeline of the dialogeditor will be saved as a template for later use.

Import Timeline from Template

You can import any timeline which got saved before from any template.

Export to text

You can export dialogs into text and saving them on your pc.

Generate timeline

Generate timelines from your dialogs.

Record node

You can records nodes to see all your changes and settings.

Import *.mbm

No description yet, remains unknown...

Regenerate uids

Regenerates "User-ID's".


Opens the Log window for recent changed settings or dialogs in your editor.

Edit dialog description

You can change the dialog description at any time if anything else was unwanted.