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Elyseum is a large region within the city of Villedor. It is currently inaccessible to players but footage and imagery of the area has been circulated before, for example in the E3 demonstration.

As the area has been show as gameplay in footage but is not currently playable. The exact appearance of Elyseum seems to vary considerably between concept art, E3 footage and building models seen with binoculars in the game. For example, some images show the triumphal arch clear of additional structures, others show it with buildings on top. In some cases it features a large banner with "La Puerta Market" on it. In others, there is a GRE banner stating "Yes, we can help you" like that seen at the hospital, though this could relate to factional control changes.

Layout and style

The urban layout of Elyseum features on numerous city maps, as if it were intended to be part of the core gameplay experience. It configuration is much more symmetrical and regular than other parts of the city, which is likely due to the fact the area was cleared by a fire, so a more planned neighborhood could be developed. This is a common pattern in real-life cities such as Lisbon and London.

Architecturally, and based on E3 footage, buildings in the area appear more 19th century than 18th, when the area was supposedly constructed. Though more data is needed to fully analyze this. A large triumphal arch stands at the center of a circular road, possibly a roundabout, with six roads (one of them seemingly a wide avenue) leading off from this area. Lamp posts shown in the E3 footage are not consistent with others in old parts of the city.

Key buildings and landmarks

What kinds of buildings are included in Elyseum is unknown, though the triumphal arch likely to be featured. Villedor Castle could form a part of the area, but it is still quite distant from the district. At least one water tower and one windmill appear in the E3 footage.

In-game references

We know that the arch is officially called the Triumphal Arch thanks to an in-game collectible recording made by Captain Posner on June 11th, 2025, concerning Jack Matt. Captain Posner states "I know we lost the Triumphal Arch. But we must not lose hope...". This implies that the Peacekeepers captured the arch.

In one of his announcements, the news announcer states that despite the efforts of relief teams, the passage to the Elyseum district remains locked. He adds that PK engineering and excavation experts say that it may take several months before access is restored.


Prior to the Great Linden Fire, Elyseum was called the Herring district, which was destroyed in the blaze. A rebuilding program was ordered, and the new district of Elyseum was constructed from stone taken from the quarries of Old Villedor.

Similarities to real-world cities

Elyseum's use of stone architecture, combined with a triumphal arch surrounded by buildings and avenues in a circular pattern is highly reminiscent of Paris. Additionally, the name "Elyseum" itself could be a reference to the Champs-Élysées in Paris, where we find the Arc de Triomphe surrounded by stone buildings in a circle and the avenue of the Champs Elysee itself.

However, it should be noted that imagery in E3 gameplay footage does not show architecture that is fully consistent with that found in Paris. Like many other parts of the city, it is likely an amalgamation of a variety of European urban areas.
