Exploding throwing star

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"Throwing blades that explode on contact? It's like your birthday came early!"
In-game description

Exploding Throwing Stars are a throwing weapon in Dying Light. The blueprint is achieved upon unlocking the Elemental Throwing Stars skill


Exploding throwing stars like all other throwing stars possess a cheap cost, large quantity upon craft, and fast travel speed. They are typically best used on emergencies or single targets, this weapon leaning more towards the latter. Unlike most explosives, this weapon possesses a smaller blast radius, likely due to its instantaneous explosion. As such, as long as the player isn't face-to-face with their target while throwing these weapons, they should usually be fine.

This also means that the player still needs to fling multiple instances of this weapon in order to kill a whole horde though they can combine this weapon with Firecrackers. As with all explosives, it can instantly kill most standard enemies. When using this against Virals, it is best to combine it with Backlash as Virals tend to dodge less while chasing.

An interesting application of this weapon is against humans. Due to its instantaneous explosion, they do not give humans the chance to run away. While this means you can't force humans out of cover and its trajectory isn't arced, it also means that on higher ground, the player can kill multiple humans hiding in the same cover.

Otherwise, this weapon still possesses the weaknesses of any throwing star, being confined to single targets while some enemies are able to dodge it. And like all explosives, it can attract Virals and Volatiles as well as harming the player if they use this weapon in melee distance.


Blueprint Requirement Effects/Usage
Exploding Throwing Stars Shurikens that explode when they hit an infected/human. They do 25 damage before exploding.


  • Despite having special effects when compared to other throwing weapons, this weapon still has the same rarity as any of the Throwing Stars