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Hatchets are a type of sharp melee weapon featured in Dying Light.

As a standard weapon for fighting in the early game, Hatchets preform adequate damage at a fast speed. They are best used against weaker enemies such as Biters, and aim for the head to deal maximum damage while throwing the targets around to avoid their counter-attacks.


There are 9 variants of Hatchet in the base game:

Variants Image
Handyman's Hatchet
  • Exceptional Handyman's Hatchet
Light Handyman's Hatchet.png
Highlander Hatchet N/A
Dark Highlander Hatchet.png
Iron Hatchet
  • Superior Iron Hatchet
Black Iron Hatchet.png
Nail Hatchet N/A
Blue Nail Hatchet.png
Simple Hatchet
  • Dragon Hatchet
  • Rainbow Hatchet
Simple Hatchet.png

The Following adds 12 new Hatchets:

Highlander Hatchet
  • Extravagant Highlander Hatchet
  • Fabulous Highlander Hatchet
Iron Hatchet
  • Bargain Hatchet
  • Boondocks Hatchet
  • Extravagant Iron Hatchet
  • Fabulous Iron Hatchet (×2)
  • Green Belt Hatchet
  • Legendary Iron Hatchet
  • Outback Hatchet
  • Rural Hatchet
  • Woop Woop Hatchet
  • Wild Hatchet


Hatchets are modifiable with the following 22 blueprints:

Blueprint Requirement Effects
All-Purpose Toxic Striker
  • Metal Parts (1)
  • Herb (4)
  • Toxic Lichen (4)
Toxic — Small
Bad Hangover
  • Metal Parts (1)
  • String (1)
  • Nails (1)
  • Batteries (2)
  • Aerosol (2)
  • Electronics (1)
  • Bleeding — Small
  • Toxic — Medium
Ben Franklin's Key
  • Metal Parts (1)
  • Plastic (1)
  • Batteries (1)
Electricity — Small
Bolter Poison
  • Herbs (4)
  • Underwater Algae (4)
  • Bolter Tissue (1)
Toxic — Strong
Countryside Bane (The Following)
  • Metal Parts (1)
  • Nails (2)
  • Herb (4)
  • Toxic Lichen (4)
  • Gauze (2)
Toxic — Strong
  • Metal Parts (1)
  • String (2)
  • Plastic (1)
  • Batteries (2)
  • Power Cable (1)
Electricity — Medium
Electro Tool (The Following)
  • Metal Parts (1)
  • Plastic (1)
  • Chemicals (2)
  • Power Cable (1)
  • Electricity — Medium
  • Impact — Small
  • Metal Parts (2)
  • Duct Tape (2)
  • Nails (1)
  • Blade (2)
  • Batteries (2)
  • Electronics (1)
  • Bleeding — Small
  • Electricity — Small
Fastball Special
  • Metal Parts (1)
  • Household Supplies (1)
  • Chemicals (1)
Impact — Small
Fire Launcher
  • Metal Parts (2)
  • Duct Tape (1)
  • Household Supplies (2)
  • Chemicals (2)
  • Aerosol (2)
  • Electronics (1)
  • Impact — Small
  • Burning — Medium
Get Medieval
  • Metal Parts (1)
  • String (2)
  • Duct Tape (1)
  • Blade (2)
  • Gauze (1)
Bleeding — Medium
God Hammer
  • Metal Parts (2)
  • String (2)
  • Aerosol (2)
  • Batteries (2)
  • Power Cable (2)
  • Electronics (1)
  • Burning — Medium
  • Electricity — Medium
Haemorrhage (The Following)
  • Metal Parts (1)
  • String (2)
  • Duct tape (1)
  • Blade (2)
  • Gauze (1)
Bleeding — Strong
Home Run
  • Metal Parts (1)
  • Duct Tape (1)
  • Nails (1)
  • Chemicals (2)
  • Power Cable (1)
Impact — Medium
Hot Swing (The Following)
  • Metal Parts (1)
  • String (1)
  • Household Supplies (1)
  • Aersol (2)
  • Gauze (2)
Burning — Strong
Ice Berg (The Following)
  • Metal Parts (2)
  • String (1)
  • Fluorescent Shrooms (3)
Freezing — Small
Industrial-Grade Leech
  • Metal Parts (1)
  • Nails (1)
  • Blade (1)
Bleeding — Small
  • Metal Parts (1)
  • Alcohol (1)
  • Household Supplies (1)
  • Aerosol (2)
  • Toxic Lichen (4)
  • Electronics (1)
  • Toxic — Medium
  • Burning — Small
Standard Issue Hellfire
  • Metal Parts (1)
  • Gauze (1)
  • Aerosol (1)
Burning — Small
Stinky Edge
  • Metal Parts (1)
  • Herb (4)
  • Underwater Algae (4)
  • Toxic Lichen (4)
  • Gauze (1)
Toxic — Small
Surprise MFs!!!
  • Metal Parts (2)
  • String (2)
  • Alcohol (1)
  • Toxic Lichen (4)
  • Batteries (2)
  • Electronics (1)
  • Electricity — Small
  • Toxic — Small
  • Metal Parts (1)
  • Duct Tape (1)
  • Nails (1)
  • Aerosol (2)
  • Gauze (1)
Burning — Medium


  • In real life, Hatchets are a type of single-handed axe used to cut and split wood.
  • Similarly, there are Throwing Axes available in the game.
  • In-game, two of the Hatchet's names are incorrectly named. Below are the proper titles in order.
    • Green Belt Hatchet (known as Rural Hatchet in-game)
    • Rural Hatchet (known as Green Belt Hatchet in-game)


Vanilla Variants

The Following Variants