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Jax is one of the characters who appears in Dying Light 2 Stay Human.. His appearance depends on which faction is given control of the Garrison Electrical Station.


History Quiz

Participate in a history quiz given by Jax.


Show: History Quiz

Aiden: "What are you ranting about, mister?"
Jax: "Ranting? Son, I'm trying to safeguard our collective memory. I'm only trying to preserve history."
Aiden: "It seems like a big task. Can one man even do that?"
Jax: "I have a good background for that. For thirty years I was a tourist guide. After The Fall I founded Villedor's Historical Conservation Society."
Aiden: "Doesn't seem to be much to 'conserve' around here any more."
Jax: "Thank the Renegades for that. Still, more than ever, we must remember our past. We must keep track. Otherwise we'll slip into Dark Ages for good. We can't build a future for humankind, if we don't know our History. What do you say I ask you two or three questions about that? See if you've been paying attention? See if you do know our past? So you ready to talk History now?"

Aiden: "(Not sure I'm ready for this.)"
Aiden: "(Sure. Why not.) I can try."
Jax: "Good. Let's start with one of the defining moments of our History. A tragic event, that had such an impact, it still defines how the city looks today. Here goes: What even went down in history as "Black Monday"?"
Aiden: "(The first outbreak of the virus in the city.)"
Aiden: "(The mass shooting that happened in Houndfield, on March 6th, 2024.)"
Aiden: "(The Chemical Bombings of 2025.) That would be the Chemical Strikes on the city, eleven years ago."
Jax: "Correct! On January 6th 2025, at 0800 hours, the butcher, Colonel Williams, decided to use a newly discovered chemical compound - the THV-GenMod - to stop infection. Hope of reclaiming control of the city turned to tragedy: millions of residents were killed. It also caused terrifying mutations of the infected, turning them into what we now call Specials. The chemicals are still active today. Don't get near them. I mentioned the March Massacre before. Any clue what happened on this day?"
Aiden: "(A lone gunman killed 8 members of the Council of Mankind.)"
Aiden: "(A lone gunman killed 14 GRE personnel.)"
Aiden: "(The army killed 64 civilians protesting against disarming them.) The army killed 64 civilians protesting against weapons confiscation."
Jax: "You actually have been paying attention. This is correct. This shooting was the beginning of escalation of riots in the city, which finally led to the fall of General Pratt and colonel Williams taking over. The army confiscated all the guns and ammo. It all started there, south of Houndfield, by the Monument of the World Art Congress. The last question. Let's go for a moment out of Villedor, taking a global perspective. Before mutating, THV was simply known as Harran Virus. Harran is where it all started. But do you remember when the Harran Events happened?"
Aiden: "(March 2020.)"
Aiden: "(Fall 2016.)"
Aiden: "(Spring 2014.) In early spring 2014."
Jax: "Bravo! I'm impressed young man. Indeed - the virus emerged during Harran's Global Athletic Games in 2014, and went dormant after the city was quarantined. It was subsequently turned into an Exclusion Zone by the GRE. I remember those would-be games. I even took week off to watch them, my country had many medal prospects. No one expected it would become hell on earth... But that's the part everyone knows and never talks about - since it's what caused the Fall. I commend you on your knowledge, young man. Never stop seeking more. And never forget: we're always just a few burning history books away from darkness. Here's a small token of my appreciation. Should teach you a bit about one of my favourite parts of the city: the Catacombs!"