Keyboard Shortcuts

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Keyboard shortcuts are important for saving time and performing additional operations when using the editor.

You can always adjust the keybindings to suit your demands, resulting in a more convenient working environment.

All of the developer tool's default shortcuts are listed below.


Default keyboard shortcuts


Compile workspace [F7]

Pause Simulation [F9]

Recompile [F8]

Start/Resume Simulation [F5]

Stop Simulation [F10]


Move backward [Down]

Move forward [Up]

Move left [Left]

Move right [Right]


Save and Build [Ctrl+Alt+S]


Close Map [Ctrl+W]

Game-Like Preview [G]

Move [W] (Switchs to entities movement mode)

New Map [Ctrl+N]

Open Map [Ctrl+O]

Rotate [E]

Save Map [Ctrl+S]

Scale [R] (Switch to entities scaling mode)

Scale by Extents [Q] (Switch entities by extents)

Toggle orbit entities mode [Shift+End]

Prop List

Add selected entities [Ctrl+E] (Add the entities which are currently selected in the Level Editor)

Select chain of entities [Crtl+Shift+Q] (Select chain of entities in the Level Editor)

Select entities [Ctrl+Q] (Select entities in the Level Editor)

Set selected entity [Shift+E] (Set the entity which is currently selected in the Level Editor)


Copy current item [Ctrl+C] (Copy current item, selected in scene window)

Copy entities/objects [Ctrl+C] <- ((locked due duplicated keybinds))

Delete [Del] (Deletes selected entities)

Deselect all objects [Ctrl+D]

Increase gizmo size [=]

Move to next camera position [Ctrl+PgUp]

Move to previous camera position [Ctrl+PgDown]

Set put entity mode [P]

Toggle axis modes [ ` ] (Switches between axis modes: world, local, parent, custom, pivot)

Toggle objects wireframe on/off [Ctrl+Shift+W]

Toggle render attributes [M]

Toggle render object boxes [H]

Sequence Editor

CreateKeysUnderCursor [K]

Delete [Del]

New [Ctrl+N] (Creates a new sequence File)

Open [Ctrl+O] (Opens a sequence file for editing or preview)

Play/Pause [Space] (Starts preview in editor of opened sequence or pauses it if playing)

Playhead to End [End]

Playhead to Start [Home]

Save [Ctrl+S] (Saves current sequence file)

Stop [Ctrl+Space] (Stops preview in editor and resets it)


Orbit terrain left [Ctrl+Num+4]

Orbit terrain right [Ctrl+Num+6]

Pan terrain back [Num+2]

Pan terrain back-left [Num+1]

Pan terrain back-right [Num+3]

Pan terrain forward [Num+8]

Pan terrain forward-left [Num+7]

Pan terrain forward-right [Num+9]

Pan terrain left [Num+4]

Pan terrain right [Num+6]

Rotate terrain left [Ctrl+Num+7]

Rotate terrain right [Ctrl+Num+9]

Zoom terrain in [Ctrl+Num+8]

Zoom terrain out [Ctrl+Num+2]


Toggle pan observer mode [Shift+Home]

Toggle rotate observer mode [Shift+PgDown]

Toggle zoom observer mode [Shift+PgUp]