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"This handy two-hander looks just like a standard garden rake... in HELL. See how many infected you can slice open in one swing"
In-game description

The Lacerator is a weapon modification that appears in Dying Light. Its blueprint can be acquired at the start of the game through the Ultimate Survivor Bundle DLC pack. It applies a medium bleeding effect, turns the affected weapon into a sharp weapon, and can be used on Table Legs and Planks


While not the most useful mod throughout the entire game, the Lacerator is a very worthwhile upgrade for people starting out. As one of the only mods that can be applied to Planks and Table Legs, it's actually one of the better ones! The bleed effect it deals is a substantial upgrade, not to mention the base damage bonus it gives as well. It is the perfect tool to handle Biters and Virals early in the game and its cheap cost and various stats makes it an incredibly useful tool. Its problems lie after finding a couple of actual weapons whose base stats will greatly outclass a plank even with the Lacerator equipped. Just an hour or so into the game will see the Lacerator become obsolete, as Machetes and other sharp weapons become available in crates or for sale by merchants. Still, for a new character or campaign, the Lacerator is the perfect starting mod for the most basic of weapons.




  • Floor Plank
  • Nailed Plank
  • Plain Plank
  • Table Leg
  • Bleeding - Medium


  • It is the only weapon which specifically requires various wooden weapons to craft.
  • The only wooden weapons which cannot be turned into The Lacerator are Oars and wooden Bats
