Marvin Zucker's Battle Journal. Entry 14

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Marvin Zucker's Battle Journal. Entry #14 is a collectable Battle Journal by Marvin Zucker in Dying Light.


The Battle Journal is located in Old Town. It is located just north of the canal which is connected to Emerald Pond in the south of Old Town. It is located in a red building, a floor above from where the zipline from the Embers Tower Safe Zone ends. In the bedroom along the eastern wall on a ledge in front of the window.


I've tried my level best to avoid Rais's thugs, but I almost ended up nose-to-nose with some of them today. They're easy to spot, wearing all that yellow, and they are CONVINCED that they own the whole city. (...They might be right.) They tend to cluster around supply drops, so if you want one, you'll have to go through some of those jerks. I've watched them fight. Someone trained them well. They don't charge at you like madmen. No, they're methodical, and they keep their guard up. You'd have to look for a good window to attack. If you stay focused, though, it's...definitely likely that you might survive.