Marvin Zucker's Battle Journal. Entry 8

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Marvin Zucker's Battle Journal. Entry #8 is a collectable Battle Journal by Marvin Zucker in Dying Light.


The Battle Journal is located in Bites Motel in the Slums. It is located on the ground floor, on the white counter next to a small plant.


So here's a pleasant little surprise! I got some batteries and rigged myself up an electrified weapon. With me so far? Okay, well, so, I hit a rotter with it, except--this is the good part--it was RAINING. And all of a sudden arcs of electricity just start flying out of the guy, seriously, like miniature bolts of lightning, and guess what? THEY STRUCK HIS FRIENDS, TOO! How sweet is that?? I might have peed a little. It was hard to tell, since I was already soaking wet. Hmmm...wonder how else I could boost my DIY weapons...