Newspaper Article – November 11th, 2024

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Newspaper Article – November 11th, 2024.jpg

Newspaper Article – November 11th, 2024 is one of mementos found in Dying Light 2. It is part of the Artifact Collectable set.



For some time now, Villedor has been the calm eye of the storm that is the THV Pandemic. That calm, however, has shattered. Tensions began as the rapid influx of refugees quickly overwhelmed the city, its inhabitants... and its resources. Then, on June 24th, the first THV outbreak occurred. Soon after, the Council of Mankind was disbanded and the military, under the leadership of General Pratt, took over all GRE resources and facilities. Pratt, however, was ill-suited for his role and soon, the city was overrun by the infected. This led to a mutiny within the military, after which Colonel Williams took over command of all armed forces. By all accounts, Williams possesses an iron will and does not shirk from making difficult decisions.