Striped Dragon Hotel

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"When the Global Athletic Games were at their peak, this hotel hosted many sport teams. No one knows if it was one of them, or if it came from outside, but the hotel became one of the first centers of the infection. The military shut it off as soon as the outbreak started, convicting all those locked inside to a fate worse than death. Now the place is in ruin, but invaluable supplies can still be found there."
Quest description

Striped Dragon Hotel is a quarantine zone challenge available in Dying Light located in Old Town. It is found north of the canal near the Harran University Safe Zone.


The Hotel lobby marks the starting point of the quarantine zone. At the end of the lobby is a staircase and the elevators. While a Disaster Relief On-site Package (DROP) can be seen in one of the elevators, it cannot be reached from the lobby. Head up the stairs to the top floor in order to gain access to the hotel proper. A number of biters are located behind the door, it is advised to use a firearm to shoot them in the head through the window in the door.

Top Floor

After clearing the area check the rooms for the other DROP packages. Rooms 321 and 322 are both locked with a hard lock, both also contain a GRE chest, also locked with a hard lock. A crawling biter is located in room 321, and another is also located in the hallway in front of the room. Both room 325 and 226 are locked with a hard lock. The doorway connecting the two rooms has a Bomber standing between it. Room 325 also contains a GRE chest, locked with a hard lock.

Room 327 and 328, in contrast to the previous rooms, are unlocked. Both rooms contain a biter. A DROP is located in room 327, next to the bed. After investigating the rooms, return to the hallway and push open the elevator doors. Enter the elevator and jump up out of it to get access to the elevator shaft, and from there, access to the elevator at the ground floor and the first floor. Go down to the bottom and enter the elevator to retrieve the DROP, be mindful that the elevator of the top floor will fall down a bit which can damage Crane.

First Floor

The first floor can be accessed from the elevator shaft. One of the elevator doors is already open, while the other can be pried open. Several biters are located in its hallway. The door leading to the staircase will be opened when the biter laying next to it is killed, providing an easy way to return to the hotel lobby. After dispatching the biters, check the rooms.

Room 102 and 103 both contain a Viral, which will become hostile upon sight. Room 103 also contains a Screamer and a DROP, located on the couch. Room 103 also has a sideroom, locked with a hard lock. Inside are a biter and a GRE chest with a hard lock on it.

Room 108 contains a bomber and a biter. A DROP is located in this room as well, next to the television. The sideroom to room 109 contains the final DROP, in the corner next to a closet.


  • At the top of the stairwell before the door to the top floor, there is a sofa blocking the stairwell which Biters cannot climb over unless hit.
  • Many doorways can be used as choke points in which Biters will struggle to enter. The Whirlwind skill can be used with great effect in these doorways.
  • It is suggested to be camouflaged upon entering any room as Biters and Virals may spawn within them.
  • There is an elevator which a player can stand on near the elevator opening leading to the middle floor. Attacking the Biters with a weapon with long reach is possible and Biters will occasionally fall to their deaths.
  • Many of the accessible rooms are connected to another room which possess a door which can be lockpicked. Do not waste your lockpicks on said door as it only opens another exit to the hotel's hallway.
  • There are first aid cabinets in every floor in the stairway, each possessing at least one Gauze.



  • On the first floor there are stacks of wrapped packages of loot in the hallway.
  • Infected can be heard banging on the door of room 323, while shuffling sounds can be heard coming from room 324.
  • The second floor, in contrast to the other floors, does not contain apartments and is just an empty single room.