Testing Your Custom Map

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Test your custom map to ensure that other users will see it the way you truly want them to before publishing it to MOD.IO

When doing so, you have a few choices.

Testing In Developer Tools

Play Game

When using the "Play Game" option, the map will start at the beginning and you can go through all of the quests.

Play With Invoke

During a quest, you can spawn anywhere on the map by pressing the "Play With Invoke" button.

This means that you don't have to play the map from scratch and that you can start playing it halfway through a task.

You will automatically complete all prior tasks and phases up to the point when you spawn. But keep in mind that only quest items are automatically finished.

A locked door will stay locked until you manually unlock it, for example, if you need to unlock a door to go between quest phases but the door is not set up as a quest objective.

Similar rules apply to picking up weapons, etc. Simply remember that when testing.


You can disable "create navmesh" in the build window to speed up the build/play test process if you aren't testing changes that effect the NavMesh.