User:Blademaster Jauffre

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Hello there folks, my name is Jauffre, I'm a member of the Dying Light wiki staff, serving as a content moderator, administrator and bureaucrat.

About me

I'm a long-standing editor of The Elder Scrolls Wiki, from which I have taken a bit of a break. I've also done a bit of editing over on the Killzone Wiki, but after adding most of the content that I could add singleplayer, I also ceased editing there. I got Dying Light in january of 2022 and always found the concept of the game cool beforehand. I'm very lore-centered, so expect most of my edits to be centered around source material and lore articles.


Feel free to help me in accomplishing my goals if you're looking for something to do:

Dying Light 2

  • Add Collectables that aren't covered yet, and try and provide a detailed description about where to find them (images displaying the location on the map are most welcome).
  • Add any of the missing Quests to the quest page and try to create the quest article. Check quest articles which already exist for how the layout and such should be.
    • Add an "interactions" header to characters involved with quests, with sub-headers stating the quests in question, with a small description of the quest itself or the character's part in it.
  • Create articles for each of the weapons in the game.
  • Create articles for each of the blueprints in the game.
  • Add the conversations between characters to their respective pages.
  • Remove redunant/poor quality images and upload useful high-quality images without the HUD.

Hope to be of help here, happy editing!