User Interface

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First Menu Bar



New map

This will create a new map for the project you have opened. Both new and previous maps will be in the same project. To create a new project, reload the Developer Tools and use the 'Create a new project' button.

Open Map

Other maps contained inside the same project can be opened. Other projects and their maps cannot be opened. Reload the tools and use the choose window for this. One map from the project can only be seen at once.

Save and build all

This will save and build your map. You build your map prior to play-testing.



To reverse recent editor changes, use the left arrow.


Use the right arrow to undo your changes.

New View

Similar to how any internet browser's "duplicate tabs" feature works, this opens a copy of the active window.

Physical Camera

Makes the camera in the tools not clip through objects.


Pan Scene

Enables you to use the left mouse button to move the camera on your screen in both horizontal and vertical directions.

Rotate Scene

Allows you to use the left mouse button to rotate the camera.

Zoom the Scene

Enables back-and-forth movement with the left mouse button while zooming the camera when holding.

Place Camera to Entities and Terrain

Will position your camera by choosing any location or object on your map.

Place Camera to Entity

Will position your camera on any selected object.


Scale Visualization

To see a dummy model to help with scale when building, choose this tool when your map is open and its window is in focus.

Distance Counter

To find the distance between two objects in meters, simply click and drag one object over the other.



Builds and loads the active map so that it can be played. Otherwise, modifications won't take effect until you build your quest file.


Will set up your camera so it appears as though you are already playing the game.


Refresh file system

Most of the files (assets, textures, etc.) in your project folder tree will be reloaded as a result. If you've made any changes while the Developer Tools are open, use. Reload the tools if you can't access the updated version of a file.

Reload text

This will reload any externally based textfile for the in-game mechanic that you've added text resources to.

Reload selected meshes

This will reload the custom prefabs that you've already imported into the tools. If you imported the same prefab but made modifications to it, you must import it again and reload the mesh to reflect the changes.

Validate and Build

Quick Build

Will use the fewest resources possible to create your map in order for it to function.



Will build the "navigation mesh" for Enemys and other related AI's.


Making terrain-specific texture-related envprobe adjustments.


Rebuild meshes

When problems or irrelevant modifications are encountered, meshes will be rebuilt.

Generate satellite textures

Creates distantly rendered textures for your terrain so that they can correctly load ingame.

Generate Heightmaps

Generating Heightmaps for the first time ever.

Generate Envprobes

Bakes all existing envprobes into the project.

Find Duplicate Meshes

The game will search and show you duplicated meshes inside your map.

Show startup validator

The validator will show you all issues or conflicts withing the project.


Select, Move And Rotate Entities

This is the selection mode. The gizmo will have both moving And rotation helpers activated.


Selects the chosen object.


This mode is to move objects And only the move gizmo will be Activated.


This will activate the rotation gizmo.


This will let you scale objects or selections. World or Local coordinates will change the gizmo helpers.

Scale by extents

This will let you scale objects by draging their sides in 6 directions. Holding ctrl will let you drag the opposite faces.


Align Entities to Y

Sets the selected entity beneath the first nearby surface.


Impulse Physics

Real-time physical dropping or moving of specified objects.

Stop all Physics

Stops moving all chosen objects and their position will be saved.

Physics Rendering

Renders all affected objects moving according to the physics settings.



A Maps-Editor-Options-Window will then be displayed, allowing for further customization and extra parameters.


You can modify keyboard shortcuts for your own needs.


Saves any update you've made recently in the developer tools.

FS Monitor

The "File Saved Monitor" will maintain all alterations made to the installation folder you've used.


Make highly detailed screenshots with it inside your editor.



This will open the Attributes Window. It displays information of an object that is selected on the map.


Opens the Clipboard to display all recently stored editor activities that were performed using keybinds.


AIs use the Navigation Mesh to navigate properly on your map.


Prefabs are completed assets that you can use in the editor.


This will open the Scene Window and display all the assets you've placed on your map; like a library.

Sequence Editor

With the Sequencer, you can create cutscenes to add into your level or create animations with objects that will play in-game.

Snap Settings

Opens a window with settings for a variety of snap changes.

Enable move snap

Allows you to snap to other objects that enable this functionality, increase the size, and steps. Pre-made step presets and a changeable grid color.

Enable rotate snap

Allows you to rotate your snap points by applying an angle.

Enable scale snap

Scales the snapping by varying the speed, increment, or decrement.

Enable entity snap

Allows you to snap entities at the desired distance.


Used to increase the landscape and playable space for players.


Adjusting the settings for various coordinate modes to transform your pivot as you use it.


All selected objects will use the pivot in the same XYZ coordinate directions.


Each object will have its own pivot coordinate direction.


The most recent use of an object will save all of your actions in a preset order.

Second Menu Bar


New Map

You can create a new map.

Open Map

Open any saved / created map within the same project.

Save Map

Saves your current opened map.

XYZ Icon

Allows you to select, rotate, and move entities


Lets you selecting any object.


Enables the "rotate" only gizmo.


You can move anything while this is selected.


Makes it possible for you to change the size or shape of any existing object on your map.

Scale by Extents

Scale objects by draging their sides in 6 directions.


Shape edition (<- works only on selected shapes)

Hold Shift to create edges.

Hold ALT to precisely move edges/walls on the grid.

Hold Shift to move roofs.

Pressing ESC will deselect current shapes.

Orbit around selected entities

Makes your camera into "bird perspective" and lets you "orbit" around any selected entity.


Choose any entity and place it anywhere on the current level. Pinlocked entities won't be compatible with it.

To move up or down the entity hierarchy tree, hold ALT and turn the mouse wheel.


Filtering them will allow you to enable or hide related things on your map.


You can create and add Rolesets to any selected entities on your map.


Hides any selected entities on the current map.


Unhides any selected entities on the current map.


Play your own map.


Only necessary ressources will be loaded to playtest your current map.

Third Menu Bar




Change and set any adjustments for your camera by using parameters, speed positions, rendering distance (clipping planes), FoV.


Set your camera view to "bird perspective or normal" by also using the view settings.



You can save 12 Camera positions at all.


Load 12 Camera positions at any time.


Apply any visuals or perspectives to your editor.


Change and set the weather / sun positions to preview the effects ingame.

Applying the changes can only be affected by creating a weather node inside any created story.