Viking: Raiders of Harran Bundle

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The Viking: Raiders of Harran Bundle is a DLC for Dying Light. It released on February 11th 2021 and included 4 new weapons, 2 new shields 1 new buggy skin and 2 outfits for Kyle Crane.


  • Björn the Warrior - Outfit
  • Björn the Berserker - Outfit
  • Ragnarök - Axe Blueprint
  • Ashes of Ragnarök - Axe Blueprint
  • Asgard’s Protector - Shield
  • Asgard’s Wall of Fire - Shield
  • Reinen - Buggy Skin


A true Viking like yourself would never settle for mediocrity, thus, you shalt have the finest gear. Whether you like your conquering style classical or fancy, we’ve got you covered. Two amazing high-end player skins are waiting for you, ready to get besmirched with zombie blood. And since we’re already speaking about blood, you’ll be able to butcher your enemies with a brand-new, shiny sword, axe or shield, which, too, come in two versions! Serve the Infected some old-school slaughter or burn them with fire! Whatever’s to your liking. Finally, you didn’t think we’d leave you without your ship, did you? We made some modifications to adapt it to the new environment and now you can raid Harran like a king in this true raider’s ride. Fair winds and following seas!

The bundle contains:

Two “Raider of Harran” outfits: “Björn the Warrior” and “Björn the Berserker”

Two two-handed heavy axes: Ragnarök and Ashes of Ragnarök

Two one-handed swords: The Aesir and The Fiery Aesir

Two shields: Asgard’s Protector and Asgard’s Wall of Fire

“Reinen” buggy skin.

Please note, buggy paint job requires Dying Light: The Following expansion pack.


  • This DLC costs an extra dollar, like due to the extra content included.