Volkan's Messenger

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Volkan's Messenger is a character who appears in Dying Light. He is employed by Volkan Yasif Dal and serves as a messenger. After Crane completes "Pact with Rais", the messenger will arrive at The Tower and situate himself by the elevators, waiting to speak with Crane. When finally meeting Crane, he will inform him that Volkan Yasif Dal would like Crane's help in escaping Harran and that he should meet with his associates, Tolga and Fatin. Afterwards, the messenger leaves the Tower, leaving him with an unknown fate.


Crane: "What's on your mind?"
Messenger: "Mr. Crane, are you familiar with a man named Volkan Yasif Dal?"
Crane: "Volkan Dal? Of course. He's (Do NOT correct this to "he", this misspelled word is how it appears ingame.) owns Volkan Petrol Engineering. He's the richest man in Harran."
Messenger: "That's exactly right... And Mr. Dal has need of your service."
Crane: "I didn't know he was still in the city."
Messenger: "Most of his employees were evacuated, but his two chief engineers are still here in the slums. They're brothers - twins, in fact. Tolga and Fatin. They've been working on a special project. It's highly confidential, and I'm afraid I can't discuss it, but I can assure you, its importance is nearly beyond measure."
Crane: "Then I won't bother trying to measure it."
Messenger: "The brothers are brilliant engineers, but they're also somewhat... idiosyncratic. This, and the problems of operating in the current enviroment, have put them behind schedule. Mr. Dal would like you to assist them to get the project back on track. You will be well compensated, as you can imagine."
Crane: "Doing what?"
Messenger: "Simply do as they ask. You will only be needed from time to time, and the tasks will be of short duration. Removing obstacles, you might say. They'll contact you when assistance is required."
Crane: "I'll think about it."