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Baker is a survivor who appears in Dying Light 2 Stay Human.


Running on Eggshells Challenge

Baker is the quest giver of this parkour challenge-based quest.


Show: Running on Eggshells Challenge

Aiden: "Why?"
Baker: "Why what?"
Aiden: "Why will you look like an asshole?"
Baker: "Oh... because my new supplier, Edgar, has turned out to be a man of his word, which is very rare these days. And I can't screw up our first transaction. I just can't... And it's all because earlier, I accidentally kicked a table leg so hard that I can barely stand. Forget about walking."
Aiden: "Let me guess... you'd like me to run an errand for you."
Baker: "Well... yes... precisely: run. And fast. You'd save my ass. And... my business."
Aiden: "Running's one of my specialties."
Baker: "Thanks, Aiden."
Aiden: "Don't thank me just yet. Where do you want me to run?"
Baker: "I promised Edgar that if he brought me flour, I would exchange it for crow's eggs. Don't laugh, no bullshit. Seriously. The flour arrived as promised, but without you, he won't get the eggs. And he'll think I've swindled him! Won't even give me the chance to explain my injuries, either. Can't say that I'd blame him. I wouldn't trust me, either! But I know where the nests are. I can mark their locations for you."
Aiden: "And what is he going to do with crow eggs? Those birds will eat anything, so I imagine their eggs taste like crap."
Baker: "He wants to make a tree cake for his wife. It's a special cake that you turn on a spit, like lamb, so the heat burns out any impurities in the ingredients. He's angered his wife and wants to apologize to her. She occassionally mentions a tree cake that her grandmother once made. They say it's delicious. Then, will you save my business and Edgar's marriage?"
Aiden: "I'll give it a shot. How many crow eggs does he need?"
Baker: "The more the better. Apparently there are forty eggs in the original recipe! Of course, those were chicken eggs. Who would eat crow eggs back then, right? Anyway, it's important he gets those eggs. So I don't lose his trust. Trust is priceless. It would be for anyone, right? I thank you in advance. Only, Aiden... you know how fragile eggs are. You don't handle them carefully and... well... the yolk's on you!"
(After completing the challenge)
Baker: "You got the eggs? Wonderful! And they're all intact - my god you're a genius Aiden! Anyway, if you feel like helping again, you can always hunt for more eggs, Basket is on the table."