Survivors (Dying Light 2 Stay Human)

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The Survivors are a Faction featured in Dying Light 2 Stay Human.


The Survivors are one of the three main Factions in Villedor. They pride themselves on being able to adapt to any situation[1] and seek peace in the new world. The group is heavily pacifist and commonly refers to renewable pastimes such as farming.

The Survivors have their origins in The Fall and the Black Monday bombings, where surviving civilians in the city joined together to survive the apocalypse and defend themselves from the infected. Seeking a free, healthy, and peaceful future, the semi-organized coalition would quickly arise to build a new civilization atop the ashes of an old one. While working with the Nightrunners, the Survivors gradually obtained influence in the city through the growth of their population and infrastructure.

The Survivors are mainly focused in Trinity and New Dawn Park, although the player can grant them territorial expansions in Houndfield, Horseshoe, Downtown, Garrison, Muddy Grounds, Saint Paul Island and the Lower Dam Ayre.

The Bazaar serves as the Survivors center of gathering in Old Villedor, while the Fish Eye Canteen is an equivalent for the Central Loop. Smaller establishments can be encountered in Survivor territory including Schools, Artist Houses, Bakeries, Farms and Trading Posts.


Architecture used by the Survivors is bright, colorful and agrarian. Spaces are built around the community and emphasize the concept of living peacefully without a strict government or hierarchy. Their ethos is often described as anarchic or socialist in nature, built around a shared sense of community and mutual trust. Survivor living spaces are characterized by horticulture and craftsmanship, with small garden plots and wooden structures being particularly common.

A Survivor tends to his farm on a rooftop.

Appearance wise, the Survivors frequently feature makeshift garb and weaponry. Most Survivors can be found with worn-out pants, jackets, old tuques, sweaters and running shoes. Unlike the Renegades and Peacekeepers, two Factions that are customarily in uniform, the Survivors are heavily varied physically. They are typically armed with improvised weapons like pipes, machetes and broken tools.

A Survivor found near the Fish Eye Canteen in New Dawn Park.
A group of Survivors next to a campfire.

The Survivors will avoid conflict against human enemies like Renegades, only resorting to violence when no other option is available. When attacked by the player, Survivors will often flee or surrender themselves instead of engaging in combat. When encountering infected, however, Survivors will almost always go on the offensive. Survivors will also partake in unique activities within the boundaries of their territory, namely funerals, plays and book-readings.

Known Members

Notable Characters

Other Characters


Show: Stolen Goods

Teresa: "I've never felt so betrated. How could you, Anna?! Got nothing to say? Where's my flour, thief?"
Anna: "But... it's you who owes me, Teresa! Months of wages!"
Survivor: "That's it. Last chance to move your asses outta here. With my boot!"
Teresa: "You bitch!"
Survivor: "Break it up!"
(After the conversation)
Survivor: "Normally I like a cat fight, but bloody hell! Can you believe just yesterday, those two were best friends?"
Aiden: "What happened?"
Survivor: "Last night, someone stole Teresa's flour. All of it. A major harvest, too. She coulda made a killing. Without it, she's got nuthin'. No flour. No sales. No money. She 'n her son won't last another month without the income."

Aiden: "(Why is she blaming her best friend?) She must be desperate to blame her best friend."
Survivor: "Ex-best friend. But it's just an accusation. It's not like she's got any evidence. She's a bit hot-headed, that's for sure. But you'd have to ask her yourself."
Aiden: "(Seems like Teresa needs some help) Do you think she needs help?"
Survivor: "Teresa? Why? Looking to earn some cash?"
Aiden: "That's not why I--"
Survivor: "You're a pilgrim, aren't you? You guys don't do anything for free. How much they fork over for the water? She'll be near her shop."
Aiden: "Thanks for the tip."


  • The Bazaar, a main Survivor establishment, will end up completely abandoned if the player aligns themselves with the Peacekeepers in the story. However, Trinity will still remain a Survivor territory.
  • The Survivors are not necessarily a fully connected or centralized group. Instead, the Faction's namesake can typically refer to a loosely-related group of civilians that have aligned themselves together to succeed in the new world. Some Survivors are not found in the Bazaar or Fish Eye Canteen, alternatively residing in local apartments and homes.
  • The Survivors aren't to be confused with random, unassimilated survivors of the apocalypse. Many characters the player can encounter are survivors themselves, but are not aligned or associated with the actual group.
  • Contrary to the Peacekeepers and particularly, the Renegades, the Survivors lack special types of units. This was likely done to further demonstrate that the Survivors tend to avoid fighting altogether.
