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Boon is a Peacekeeper cook who can be found in the Muddy Grounds district of the Central Loop in Dying Light 2 Stay Human.



Boon is the quest giver of this conversation-based quest.


Show: Missy

Aiden: "A seasick Peacekeeper? Your central command is based on a frickin' ship! You've never been on that?"
Boon: "The Missy? It was my home once. But no longer. Just the sight of it makes me queasy."
Aiden: "So you lived on the Missy... Boon, is it? What's the story with this ship?"
Boon: "Well, you see... I was serving on the Missy when it arrived, come to resupply the army after the city got walled off. No other way to enter Villedor than by going up the river at that point. But then, BOOM! So much shit went down, so fast, you'd think you were at a pop-up outhouse convention. Not just in the city, but the rioters stormed the ship. Caught us completely off guard! We were under siege on our own ship... nowhere to go! But we weren't gonna let them get their grubby paws on our supplies, no sir! So we started dumping 'em overboard!"

Aiden: "(All the supplies?!) You dumped everything overboard?"
Boon: "Everything: food, medicine... even weapons and ammo. No way we wanted those to get in the hands of those anarchists. Of course, in the end, that meant no guns for Pratt's army, either. Worse still, no ammo. And no way to produce more. Rioters had damaged Missy and at that point, she was dead in the water... literally. Luckily I survived, thanks to my special talents."
Aiden: "('Special talents'?) "Special talents"? What were you? A demolition expert? Sniper? Are you some sort of living weapon?"
Boon: "I am far more than that, as you will soon find out."
Aiden: "(Sounds like another tough fight.) Sounds intense. Must not have been easy to drive the Butcher and his men away."
Boon: "No, it was quite the pitched battle. And I'm proud to say, I played a key role in ensuring our troops' victory. But when it was all over, despite my devotion... I'd had enough of life on a tin can. I needed solid ground... to be away from a persistent source of chaos. And from that day forward, I have been unable to step foot on any sort of sea-faring vessel."
Aiden: "That's quite a story. You still haven't told me why the rioters didn't string you up. Or what this "key role" was. Are you a strategist? A gunner? A navigator?"
Boon: "I was... the cook."
Aiden: "..."
Boon: "Son... bullets may fill guns... steam, a ship's engine... but I fill men's bellies... which allows them to carry on toward any goal! As for the rioters, they took one look at my greasy whites and passed me by. No one shoots the cook."
Aiden: "(How'd you survive?)"
Boon: "