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Charlotte is a survivor in Dying Light 2 Stay Human.


Undying Affection

Find some old love letters for Charlotte.


Show: Undying Affection

Aiden: "That is beautiful. What song is that?"
Charlotte: "Oh, a very old one. Where I come from, the women sing so their men return home from sea safely."
Aiden: "So you were singing to someone in particular?"
Charlotte: "To my betrothed, though he will never return again. He died during the bombing of the city."
Aiden: "I'm sorry."
Charlotte: "Eleven years have passed and I still think of him. I feel like someone has crushed me. Even the fact that I'm here today, that's because of him."
Aiden: "How's that?"
Charlotte: "You won't laugh?"
Aiden: "No."
Charlotte: "Before the evacuation, I hid a few mementos in a safe at my office. I thought if I could get them back, all those old thoughts would stop tormenting me."
Aiden: "Mementos of him?"
Charlotte: "Yes, letters. They are very personal. Alas, that office building is a complete ruin now. I would have to learn to fly to get in there."
Aiden: "I can help you."
Charlotte: "You could do that? It's that office building over there."
Aiden: "And the safe?"
Charlotte: "In my office, upstairs in the personnel department. Turn the dial twice to the right, once to the left, once to the right. Got that?"

Aiden: "(Can you repeat that?) Can you repeat that?"
Charlotte: "Twice to the right, once to the left, once to the right. Will you remember?"
Aiden: "(I'll remember.) I'll remember."
Charlotte: "It is nice of you to help me, but I don't even know who you are."
Aiden: "My name's Aiden."
Charlotte: "And I'm Charlotte. Thank you, Aiden."
Aiden: "It's nothing. Wait here for me."

(Upon returning with the mementos)
Aiden: "I found the safe. Here."
Charlotte: "These are all of them? You're certain?"
Aiden: "All the ones from the safe."
Charlotte: "They're beautiful. The jackass knew how to write. Too bad he didn't only write them to me. Know what he said right before he died? That he loved another woman and regretted she wasn't there beside him. I'll never forgive him for that."
Aiden: "What are you doing?"
Charlotte: "Freeing myself from him. Eleven years I've tried to do this, but failed. I've wanted so badly to erase him from my memory, but I keep thinking of these damned letters. The only proof that anything ever bound us. Now he's gone, without a trace."
Aiden: "I don't know what to say."
Charlotte: "Hey! Why the long face? Lighten up, Aiden. You really helped me. I feel like someone has lifted my curse!"
Aiden: "There were some valuables in the safe too."
Charlotte: "Take them if you want."
Aiden: "Are you sure?"
Charlotte: "I'm done living in the past."
Aiden: "Farewell, Charlotte. Take care."
Charlotte: "Farewell, Aiden."