Claymore shield

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"Block at just the right time, and anybody standing in front of you will REALLY wish they hadn't been. Blunt force trauma fun"
In-game description

Claymore Shield is an equipment that appears in Dying Light. It can be crafted upon unlocking the Shield Crafting Skill


Just like the regular shield, this item's main use to stop onslaughts of attacks if timed correctly. Its knock down capabilities makes it a particularly useful comeback tool against hordes and can provide a brief yet meaningful moment of safety. It can allow players to knock down multiple enemies while being backed up to a corner or unable to charge a Windmill, thus confirming its use of giving the player an advantage during times when there are none. It is highly suggested that the player unlocks Stomp before crafting this speed as the knock down effect can be used to finish off fallen infected.

This weapon however is not as great when used against enemies which can get up quickly such as humans, Virals, Volatiles, or enemies that can't even be knocked down in the first place such as Goons and Demolishers. As such, even just one Viral can greatly hinder the usefulness of this shield against hordes. This item is also outclassed by other weapons that knocks down enemies such as Impact Bolts or Windmill

This shield obviously possesses the same weaknesses the regular shield has such as the slowdown you suffer upon raising it, its ineffectivity against ranged enemies, and its limited durability. If the player wishes for a shield that increases their has both offensive and defensive capabilities, this shield is for them.


Blueprint Requirement Effects/Usage
Claymore Shield Used to block incoming damage (Biters, gunshots, etc.). This variant has impact which knocks the target back if blocked at the right time.

NOTE: Requires a Shield to craft


  • This weapon essentially creates a silent, less damaging, explosion