Gust of Wind

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The Gust of Wind is a craftable ranged weapon available in the Shu Warrior Bundle for Dying Light. The weapon can't be found, however it can be crafted from the blueprints screen. No base weapon is needed, only the correct amount of Craft Parts.

Crafting requirements


The weapon is unique in that it is a crossbow that can be crafted without a base weapon required. Not only that, but the crafting requirements are VERY reasonable, so for low level or new players, this weapon is exceptional for extending survival and killing things from afar. All the craft parts are common, so after an hour or so enough parts will have been scavenged to create the weapon. Not only that, but the ammunition is also very easy to craft, requiring just metal parts and Nails.

The weapon has exceptional damage for a ranged weapon, with a base 500 that never changes, no matter what level the player crafting it is at. It will one shot Goons with a headshot at low-mid level and will still one shot basic enemies such as Biters, Virals and Rais' Men even after completing the game. The reload time is slow but that's to be expected from a crossbow. The big bonus it has over a regular bow, especially for someone starting out, is that the bolts are reusable. This is important to note as a low level player who does not have a stockpile of craft parts will not need to constantly make more ammo if they can find the bolts they fired.


  • Although the bolts the weapon uses have their own prefix (e.g. 'Gust of Wind's Regular Bolts'), they are in fact identical to regular crossbow bolts both in terms of their description and crafting requirements.

