Shu Warrior Bundle

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The Shu Warrior Bundle is downloadable content for Dying Light. It was released on January 23, 2020 and included 3 new weapons, a new skin for the buggy and a new outfit for Kyle Crane.



The Shu Warrior Bundle will get you a new outfit, which significantly reduces the danger of being grabbed by zombies (both Biters and Volatiles), a new buggy paint job (Metal Rat), and blueprints for three new weapons. The Gust of Wind is the first crossbow you can craft (along with various bolts) from base-game materials, which means it is available early in the game and you don’t need The Following expansion pack to enjoy it. The Leaping Tiger Dao is an extraordinary sword that rewards skilled warriors. Its blade is imbued with ancient power and lights up after you successfully land a couple of consecutive hits, granting you a damage boost. The same goes for the Dragon Ji polearm, which additionally lets you unleash an especially devastating power attack.

Please note, buggy paint job requires Dying Light: The Following expansion pack.


The DLC comes with a ranged weapon and two melee weapons, as is standard for these bundles. It also comes with an outfit and buggy skin, which is also standard. The two melee weapons are decent enough, with no elemental effect upgrade however after getting consecutive hits, they become empowered and deal more damage for the remaining duration of the fight. The buggy paint job has no effect other than cosmetic like other buggy skins, which is standard. The outfit gives a far lower percent chance of getting grabbed by zombies, including Volatiles which is handy for those who like to explore at night.

The standout weapon for the pack is the Gust of Wind. It is a craftable crossbow which has relatively low material requirements. The bolts are reusable, something very important to note, and since it does not require Dying Light: The Following, it can be used as soon as you get the crafting requirements. The weapon is a godsend for the early game and low level players, as it has a fixed damage output of 500, regardless of what level you are when crafting it. It can one shot Goons at low levels and even at high levels it will one shot Biters, Virals and Rais' Men.