Heavy Plate outfit

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Heavy Plate.jpg

The Heavy Plate outfit is an Outfit featured in Dying Light. It is available after installing the Rust weapon pack free DLC.


The outfit is pretty much a suit of makeshift armour. The helmet is a battered and repurposed red saucepan along with a protective face covering that extends to below the neck. The rest of the body is covered by metal armour fashioned from all sorts of metal parts, mostly metal barrels. Some blue duct tape can be seen on the left upper arm pauldron as well as the upper leg plate. The boots are the only thing not armoured but since they are mostly covered it makes sense. There's a black fingerless glove on the right hand.


  • Unlike some of the DLC outfits, this does not give any helpful debuff to Crane.
  • The face protection does not obscure the player view.
  • This outfit is missing the watch that Crane is normally wearing, so using the Melee Throw skill to quickly check the time can't be used here.