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"Hey! Help me! Over here!"

Henrietta is a survivor captured by the Renegades and kept captive at the Heron Renegados bandit camp in Dying Light 2 Stay Human.


Could You Repeat

Help Pete with his mission to rescue a survivor from the Renegades at the Heron Renegados bandit camp.


Show: Could You Repeat

Henrietta: "Thank you! My name is Henrietta."
Aiden: "I'm Aiden. Now go. Meet me at the windmill across the river."
Henrietta: "Okay!"
(At the 'Spruce' Windmill after speaking to Pete)
Pete: "You've returned, Pilgrim! Does that mean you saved her?!"
Aiden: "I sure did. The victim, Henrietta, should be here soon."
Pete: "Wait a second. Her name is Henrietta? Oh no! That's not who I was supposed to rescue! I must have misheard which camp to go to! The PK will never take me now. I'm useless! A useless piece of junk..."
Henrietta: "There you are. I don't know how to thank you!"

Aiden: "(Accept her thanks.) Well, Henrietta, glad I could help..."
Pete: "But to be honest... we were supposed to save someone else. I made a horrible mistake!"
Henrietta: "Well, horrible for the other person, I guess..."
Pete: "Right... right... Aiden still saved you!"
Henrietta: "Yes, of course. Thank you... thank you for saving me, even if, well... you didn't mean to. Now, excuse me. Those Renegades barely fed us and I'm starving. So... um... bye!"
Pete: "Well, we saved SOMEONE. You deserve your reward."
Aiden: "Thanks, Pete. Take it easy. Although you might wanna try and find out who you were really supposed to save..."
Aiden: "(Say that Pete is her real savior.) I unlocked the door but Pete's the one who really saved you!"
Pete: "Me...? But...?"
Aiden: "I'm just brawn. This guy is the brains of the operation. Planned the entire raid that allowed me to free you. Tactical genius, this one! Saving people's just his thing, right, Boss?"
Pete: "Right... I guess you could say that."
Henrietta: "Heroic... and modest. Nice!"
Pete: "Eh, twarn't nothing. What's your name? I'm Pete."
Henrietta: "Henrietta. Would you escort me home? I don't want to get taken again. And with you... I'll feel safe."
Pete: "With me...? Safe...? Wait, Henrietta, you must know that... I... My hearing's not too good and..."
Henrietta: "Don't worry. I'll speak louder. Shall we go?"
Pete: "S-sure... let's go. Thank you, Pilgrim."
Aiden: "Thanks. Good luck... with her."
