Lena (Dying Light 2 Stay Human)

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Lena is a survivor who appears in Dying Light 2 Stay Human.


Getting Stronger

Lena makes a minor appearance during this quest; being rescued from infected by Peacekeepers.

The Only Way Out

Lena can be found inside the Bazaar and be spoken to.


Show: The Only Way Out

Lena: "You look familiar."
Aiden: "Yeah. I'm the guy you almost got hanged."
Lena: "Why worry? You're standing here, aren't ya?"
Aiden: "Excuse me?"
Lena: "Look, we had no choice. If you had turned like we thought you were gonna, it would have been a massacre!"

Aiden: "(You're right.)"
Aiden: "(You'd have managed somehow.) A crowd of people against one infected? Odds were in your favor."
Lena: "Eh. I see you already got a marker. More time you spend here, more you'll understand. Our rules are strict, but that's how we survive."
Aiden: "Sure."