Loading Screens (Dying Light 2 Stay Human)

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For the loading screens in Dying Light, see Loading Screens (Dying Light).

The following are Loading Screens, Hints, and Tutorials which can be read when finding a new encounter, entering zones or booting up the game in Dying Light 2 Stay Human, including its Bloody Ties expansion.


Basic Mechanics


Look at a ledge and JUMP toward it with the (Spacebar) to grab it.

Climbing drainpipes

Jump on a drainpipe to grab it. Use (W) to climb it.

Climbing on Ledges

Use (W) while grabbing a ledge to CLIMB on it.


Press (lCtrl) to CROUCH.


Press (Spacebar) in a direction to DODGE.

Extended HUD

Hold (Tab) to check your current objective on the EXTENDED HUD.


Press (T) to activate your FLASHLIGHT.

Jump Distance

Hold (Spacebar) to JUMP farther.


Press (Spacebar) to JUMP.

Jumping over obstacles

Tap (Spacebar) while moving forward to JUMP over obstacles.


Press (F) to perform a KICK.

Monkey Bars

JUMP towards a Monkey Bar with (Spacebar) to grab it. Push forward on (W) to traverse on it.

Quick Attacks

Press (LMB) to perform a QUICK ATTACK.

Stance Meter

Press (RMB) at the very last moment to perform a PERFECT BLOCK.


Use (W),(S),(A),(D) to SWIM. (lCtrl) to DIVE, (Spacebar) to SURFACE.

Turning Around on Ledges

Use (Mouse) while hanging to turn around on a ledge.


JUMP at a zipline with (Spacebar) to slide down it.

Advanced Mechanics

Avoiding Sleeping Biters

Senses of SLEEPING BITERS are limited. Pass around them and keep your distance.


Press (Y) to use your BINOCULARS.


Use a bottle to STAGGER an enemy. Press (LMB) to throw it.


Use a brick to STAGGER an enemy. Press (LMB) to throw it.

Cancel Arrow

Hold (V) to CANCEL the shot.

Cancel Throw

Hold (lCtrl) to CANCEL the throw.

Chemical Exposure (THV GenMod)

Stay away from areas covered by THV CHEMICALS. They rapidly reduce your IMMUNITY.


You have collected a new COLLECTABLE. Press (K) to enter the Collections menu.

Fast Travel

Press (M) to enter the map and use FAST TRAVEL to move quickly to another Region.

Invert Paraglider Controls

Paraglider controls can be inverted in the OPTIONS menu.

Loot in Open World Activities

After you complete an activity, all LOOT inside the relevant location will disappear.

Survivor Sense

Press (Q) to use your SURVIVOR SENSE.

Throwing Knives

A THROWING KNIFE interrupts enemy attacks. Press (MMB) to throw it.

UV Shroomz

Consuming UV SHROOMZ restores part of your IMMUNITY.

Using Tables

Press (lCtrl) to CROUCH, then duck under a table to hide from enemies.

Using a Gas Tank

Press (LMB) to throw the GAS TANK. Hold (X) to ignite it.

Weapon Modifications - Blast Mods

Press (LMB) + (RMB) to activate a BLAST MOD.

Weapon Modifications - Power Mods

Hold (LMB) and release it to use a POWER MOD.
