Madmen from Villedor

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"To make it to the tournament, Ciro and I had to pass tryouts around Villedor."
Quest description

Madmen from Villedor is the second story quest in Dying Light 2 Stay Human: Bloody Ties.


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Pass the qualifiers.
I passed three tryouts and was told to wait until a recruiter contacted me about a final challenge.

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Finish the Like the Wind challenge with at least Bronze Medal.
I passed the Like the Wind challenge.

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Have a drink with Ciro. [OPTIONAL]
Once Ciro and I passed our first tryout, he invited me to a pumpkin farm for drinks to celebrate.

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Finish the Treasure Hunt challenge with at least Bronze Medal.
I passed the Treasure Hunt challenge.

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Have a drink with Ciro. [OPTIONAL]
Ciro and I made it through our second tryout. He wanted to celebrate again, so I met him at the pumpkin farm for more drinks.

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Finish the Between Two Fires challenge with at least Bronze Medal.
I passed the Between Two Fires challenge.

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Meet Ogar at the Baptistry.
I met Ogar at the Baptistry, along with injured Tatsuo. Ogar wanted me to complete the final challenge and stop Ciro from entering the tournament.

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Meet Ciro at the final challenge site.
I arrived at the location of the final challenge, but Ciro wasn't there.

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Wait for Ciro.
Ciro finally showed... and refused to quit. Suddenly, loud music started playing, attracting Infected. Ciro ran off to face his own final challenge.

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Survive the final challenge.
I survived the final challenge and qualified for Carnage Hall, but Ciro had disappeared. I had to find him and make sure he'd survived his challenge.

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Look for Ciro.
The blood trail led me to a body of a guard wearing a familiar mask. Ogar was there, too. He told me how to get into Carnage Hall.

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Go to the pickup point.
I found the spot where masked me waited by a van that would take me into Carnage Hall. When I was ready, I'd go with them.

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Get in the van when you're ready to go to Carnage Hall.
I got into the van and was on my way to Carnage Hall. I hoped to find Ciro in there.
