Rusty Spine

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The Rusty Spine is a skin for the Semi-Automatic Shotgun and as such, all applicable strategies on said weapon can be applied to this weapon as well.


Compared to the Hunting Shotgun, it has a higher rate of fire and a lower firepower and value, while both still maintain the same amount of accuracy. Compared to the Double-Barrel Shotgun, the Rusty Spine has a lower firepower and value while both still have the same accuracy and rate of fire. Currently, it is one of two shotgun variants in-game to fire in semi-automatic — The other being the Double-Barreled Shotgun (as there is no action to be cycled/pumped on the double-barreled shotgun).

Being semi-automatic and with four times the capacity of the Double-Barreled Shotgun, this can cause huge amounts of damage within very short time and is very useful for dealing with enemies such as Demolishers, Goons, Volatiles, hordes of Biters and Virals/Night Walkers.

It will take roughly three or four shots to a Demolisher's head to kill it and about two-three shots to a Goon to kill it. Volatiles can be dispatched with one well-placed hit (given the spread that shotguns have in-game) whereas Evolved/Alpha Volatiles will require one or two more shots.

Regular enemies encountered individually or in much smaller groups such as Biters, Virals/Night Walkers and hostile survivors/Rais's gang members will easily be killed by this in one or two shots (provided that they are within effective range). Weaker infected such as the Bolter, Screamer and Toad will be instantly killed within effective range of this weapon. Bombers taking any damage from this (as with any in-game weapon) will explode, but due to the natural use of shotguns, it is always advisable to only take out Bombers from a range where the player(s) is not in danger of taking any damage themselves.




Rusty Spine

Semi-Automatic Shotgun

Applies a skin for a shotgun of your choosing


  • Despite its appearance and name, its damage is not changed
  • For reloading, the player's animation loads the first shell on a dry reload through the ejection port, then pumps the shotgun and loads the rest of the shells normally — This is so the first shell is already loaded in the chamber, similar to how mag-tube-fed shotguns in games like Battlefield are reloaded.
  • In-game, the player's model does not aim though the iron sights when using ADS, instead they aim over the rear sight holding the front of the gun higher up (with the front sight being in the centre of the screen/where the hip-fire crosshair would be). In real life, this would make shooting anything that's not point blank pointless and would also make shooting in general very inaccurate.