Speed Booster

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A Speed Booster is a booster utility item in Dying Light. It gives Crane a temporary speed boost.


Somehow despite the presence of Toxic Materials, it still works fine, giving the drinker a temporary boost in speed. Speed Boosters are extremely useful though not mandatory in Dying Light due to how much parkour is involved in gameplay. A boost in speed can be helpful in escaping Chases, fight certain enemies, finish challenges, or even just get from one place to another.

It can however be rather tedious to have to repeatedly craft and drink this booster every once in a while and not to mention the ingredients are sometimes difficult to find. As such, there are certain skills that will make its usage much more convenient.

There is one other problem with repeated usage however and it is over-reliance. If the player uses it to often, they may no longer be able to function with regular speed. Hence the importance of moderation. It is best to only use this Booster in dire or important moments.

The blueprint to craft this item is unlocked via the Boosters Survival skill. The buff given by this booster lasts 45 seconds. With the skill Booster XL the buff lasts 1 minute 30 seconds. Here is a video showing an easy way to mass produce them.


Blueprint Requirement Effects/Usage
Speed Booster Increases night vision for a short time.
