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Theodore is a survivor who appears in Dying Light 2 Stay Human.


All in the Family

Help Theodore escape from a Dark Hollow after having been trapped there by Will, the brother of Theodore's girlfriend Monika.


Show: All in the Family

Theodore: "Who the fuck're you?! Come closer and I'll kill you."
Aiden: "Will and Monika sent me."
Theodore: "Fucking Will. He'd better fucking run. I get outta here and he's dead meat."
Aiden: "Wait... calm down...!"
Theodore: "Fuckin' rip his guts out and tie them in a fuckin' bow!"
Aiden: "Ah. Oh. Actually... Monika's pregnant."
Theodore: "Wait... what?"
Aiden: "With your kid."
Theodore: "Wait... are you telling me... that I... I'm gonna be..."
Aiden: "You're gonna be a father."
Theodore: "Well fuck me. That's fantastic! A goddamn miracle! Why didn't ya say so at the beginning?!"
Aiden: "I would have but... you were little worked up there at first."
Theodore: "What if it's not the only one? Maybe it's twins? Or triplets! What's your name? If it's a boy, I want to name him after you."

Aiden: "(You should decide.) Nah, I'll leave that to you. Now get out of here. Monika's waiting. And Will... he has an apology for you."
Aiden: "(Name him Theodore, Jr.) Don't name him after a stranger. Call hime Theodore, Jr."
Theodore: "Of course! Carry on the family tradition."
Aiden: "Now get out of here. Monika's waiting. And Will... he has an apology for you."
Aiden: "(Aiden.) Aiden."
Theodore: "Aiden... Aiden Windtooter... Sounds perfect."
Aiden: "Now get out of here. Monika's waiting. And Will... he has an apology for you."
Theodore: "Nah, no apology needed. He was kidding around, like guys do. No harm, no foul."
Aiden: "You'll leave him alone?"
Theodore: "You kiddin' me? Hurt my kid's uncle? Now why would I go and do a thing like that? I'd better go and propose to Monika. We don't get married, people'll talk. People can be so cruel, ya know?"