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"Okay, okay, just forget I said anything, all right? Just -- we never had this conversation!"

Yakup is a minor character who appears in Dying Light. He is a survivor in The Tower, and is introduced in a random encounter. He has a crush on Lena, but is distraught when he finds out that she is dating Brecken.


Yakup: "Hey -- hey, are you going by Sickbay anytime soon?"
Crane: "Huh? Uh... hadn't planned on it. Why?"
Yakup: "I -- well -- would you, uh... would you mind giving Lena a message for me?"
Crane: "Sure, I guess. But why can't you just walk up there and tell her yourself?"
Yakup: "I can't. I get nervous. Way too nervous."
Crane: "Nervous? Why would you -- wait, are you about to ask me to deliver some sort of love note?"
Yakup: "I just get all tongue-tied when I'm around her! She worked on my mother when we first got to the Tower, and she was SO good, and ever since then I, well... she's kind of all I've been able to think about."
Crane: "Dude, you know she's with Brecken, right? I mean, you've got to know that. People here do talk, don't they?"
Yakup: "She's with -- LENA'S DATING BRECKEN? Oh shit. Oh shit. SHIT. I can't compete with him! And... and I'm pretty sure he could kick my ass... DAMMIT! Okay, okay, just forget I said anything, all right? Just -- we never had this conversation!"
Crane: "Heh. Whatever you say."