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Lena is a character featured in Dying Light.


Events of Dying Light

She is one of the survivors residing within the Tower in the Slums of Harran. Prior to the outbreak she was a physician and now operates as the resident medical expert for the enclave, assisted by her nurse Aman. The medical room is initially found on the 18th floor, but following an outbreak on the floor, both Lena and Aman relocate to the 19th floor. She and Harris Brecken are in a relationship, as mentioned by some survivors.

During the main story quest Awakening, after Kyle Crane is rescued by Jade Aldemir from the streets and extracted to the Tower, he is treated by Lena. Soon after, when Crane rescues Mark, Lena and Timur travel to the 13th floor to extract him.

Following the quest First Assignment, Lena approaches Crane to recover anti-seizure medicine after Harris Brecken suffers a serious head injury, initiating the Mother's Day side quest.

Appearance and personality

Lena is a young woman of a slim build with black hair and green eyes. A physician prior to the outbreak, she is seen wearing a torn medical gown. She is intelligent and level-headed, willing to lend a hand even in chaotic situations.



Show: Awakening

Lena: "Okay, who's hurt?"
Crane: "He's bleeding pretty bad."
Lena: "Let me see him... Gauze and alcohol, huh? Pretty primitive, but it'll work. Thanks for the help, I'll take care of him from here."

Show: Airdrop

Lena: "For God's sake, you can't even walk straight! We need you alive, you idiot!"
Jade: "(To crane) Okay, we're going in. Act confident. Brecken. Lena."
Lena: "Maybe you can get through to him!"

Show: Mother's Day

Lena: "Look, there's something else we need to discuss. Brecken was hurt pretty badly out there. Worse than he wants people to know. He took a blow to the head. Now he's starting to have seizures, and I don't have any Loratrax."
Crane: "I doubt anyone does. Anti-seizure drugs were being passed out like candy when the infection first started. The stores ran out weeks ago."
Lena: "Yes, that's right. How'd you know that?"
Crane: "What do you need me to do, Lena?"
Lena: "There's a man in town named Gazi. He's not all together there, if you know what I mean. His mother had epilepsy, so he used to pick up medicine for her each month. She died two years ago, but Gazi kept going to the store to pick up her prescription. He likes his routine, and Gazi can be very... Insistent. So they kept giving it to him."
Crane: "You think he's been stockpiling it all this time?"
Lena: "If he hasn't I don't know where else we're going to get it from. Gazi lives under the overpass. And don't mention his mother's death. He won't understand."

Upon returning with the medicine:

Crane: "I've got your anti-seizure medicine."
Lena: "Thanks. How'd things go with Gazi?"
Crane: "He may be challenged, but he's very good and (do NOT replace this with "at") getting what he wants."
Lena: "Did you meet his Mom?"
Crane: "Yeah, she seemed happy."
Lena: "If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. Speaking of which, Brecken asked me to pass this on to you, with his thanks."

Show: Goodnight Mr. Bahir

Crane: "You'd better have a look at this."
Lena: "The lot number's wrong. Is this a fake?"
Crane: "Someone on 21 took it, and now he can't even get off the floor."
Lena: "Aman, get down to 21, now! Where'd he get it from?"
Crane: "Yusuf. He's one of the scouts."
Lena: "Well, he can't be producing it here. Someone's supplying him."
Crane: "I'll have a talk with Yusuf."
Lena: "The sooner, the better. Don't hurt him. Just talk to him."

After leaving the Tower:

Lena: "Crane? It's Lena."
Crane: "Go ahead."
Lena: "We've found two more vials of that fake Antizin. Brecken is boiling mad."
Crane: "I'll bet. How's Bahir?"
Lena: "He's stable, but if we'd gotten to him ten minutes later he wouldn't be. This stuff is lethal, Crane. Putting them out of business is your number one priority."
Crane: "Understood."

After clearing Bento's camp:

Crane: "Lena? It's Crane."
Lena: "Yes?"
Crane: "You can tell Brecken that counterfeit lab is out of business."
Lena: "Good work, Crane. That's a big relief. Are you alright?"
Crane: "I'm fine, but Yusuf tipped them off that I was coming."
Lena: "I was afraid of that. Brecken was going to lock him up, but he'd already slipped out."
Crane: "If he comes back, I'm going to have a word with him."
Lena: "Not if Bahir gets to him first."

Upon returning to the Tower:

Lena: "Good work taking out that Antizin Lab. You saved a lot of lives."
Crane: "It's only a matter of time before someone starts another one."
Lena: "The danger is all those empty Antizin bottles out there. People throw them away, and then anyone can refill them with whatever they like."
Crane: "You'd better start destroying them."
Lena: "We've collected all the bottles in the tower, plus Brecken is offering a $10 bounty for every bottle you runners find out there."

Show: The Way Out

Kurt: "No... no, don't... please, please don't make me..."
Crane: "You said he talked about magic and, what, domesticated zombies?"
Lena: "He talked about a group of people who don't get infected. Even if they're bitten."
Crane: "Delirious people will say anything."
Lena: "He was holding this map when we brought him in."
Crane: "(Folds open map) Wow. This looks like..."
Lena: "...a way out of Harran. We're running out of Antizin. We have to explore every possibility... We can't wait any longer, Crane."
Kurt: "No! Stay away! Stay away! You don't understand! The Mother... The Mother..."

Upon finding the countryside:

Crane: "Lena! Do you copy?"
Lena: "Crane! Dammit... you're breaking up..."
Crane: "Listen, your one-eyed, delirious patient... He was telling the truth! There is a way out... Maybe what he said about people who don't turn is true?"
Lena: "He died this morning, Kyle. The fever got him. You're on your own, I'm afraid..."
Crane: "Lena? Lena! Fucking mountains."

Show: Gaining Credence

Crane: "Lena! Can you hear me? Lena!"
Lena: "Crane! Are you okay? What's going on? You've got us all worried..."
Crane: "I'm fine, don't worry. But listen, your patient was right. There's this, uh, this group here... And all its members seem to be immune to the virus..."
Lena: "Immune? How is that possible?"
Crane: "I don't know. They're protected by some local shaman-type called the Mother. Only communicates through her priests. I'll try to get in touch with them, but these people don't trust outsiders for shit."
Lena: "Keep trying, but be careful."

Show: The Gathering

Crane: "Lena? Lena, come on, come on!"
Lena: "Kyle?"
Crane: "Lena! Thank God, listen, listen to me! I don't know how long it'll last, but... I'm immune! I saw her. The Mother. She spoke to me. I was in a... Like a trance, and the zombies, they didn't attack me! Lena? Hello?! Shit."

Show: Anomalies

Crane: "Lena?"
Lena: "Kyle? Why haven't you contacted us?"
Crane: "Lena, listen good while this damn thing works! I know what's going on! They have something a hundred times better than Antizin. Good news — they'll share it with me. Bad news — I need to find it. I know the clock's ticking, but I can't let go of this yet. It's the best chance. For all of us."
Lena: "I understand, Kyle. But please, please hurry. We've run out of Antizin."
Crane: "More reason for me to get this done. Keep your fingers crossed!"

Show: Exercises in Futility

Crane: "Lena... Lena. Are you there?"
Lena: "Kyle. You're breaking up. Any luck with finding the immunity drug?"
Crane: "Listen, there's a hidden tunnel, I think it opens up in southern Old Town. There'll be a girl passing through it soon. Could you ask Troy to keep a lookout for her?"
Lena: "Crane... That's not why you're there. We're losing people here."
Crane: "I know, I know, and I'm getting closer. Just help this girl, okay? Her name is Ezgi."
Lena: "All right. But please. Kyle. Find a way to help us."

Show: At the End of the Tunnel

Lena: "Kyle, can you hear me? Kyle!"
Crane: "Lena! I copy! Go ahead!"
Lena: "Kyle. Can you hear me?"
Crane: "Shit... Lena!"
Lena: "Kyle, please, if you can hear me... You have to hurry. We're going to lose another floor soon!"
Crane: "Lena! Goddamn it! Fuck... I'm so close..."


  • She was voiced by Leila Birch, who also voiced the female reporter in the introduction.
  • In conversation with Yakup, he mentions Lena is in a relationship with Harris Brecken, leader of the survivors at the Tower.
  • Following Enhancements update, Lena's appearance was updated; she appears to be wearing more make-up as well as her outfit has changed into a torn medical gown.
  • It's possible that she died in Dying Light: The Following if you don't choose the nuclear ending but this has not been confirmed.[1]
    • However, due to the timeline of Dying Light 2 Stay Human, it’s unknown if she is still alive or not. However, due to the evidence shown in Dying Light: The Following, this seems unlikely.
