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"I told you, I don't work shifts on Mondays. Mondays are a no go for me. You all know that."

Bajnok is a Peacekeeper who can be found in the Horseshoe district of Old Villedor in Dying Light 2 Stay Human, provided the Horseshoe Water Tower is assigned to the Peacekeepers.


The Pilot

Bajnok is the quest giver of this conversation-based quest. He can originally be found speaking to Phil.


Show: The Pilot

Aiden: "Why don't you work on Mondays?"
Bajnok: "What? Did... did he just ask me..."
Phil: "I know, I know... Please. Don't get him started, ok?"

Aiden: "(What's the deal with Monday?) What's the problem with working on Mondays?"
Bajnok: "Because... I have bad memories."
Phil: "Here we go..."
Aiden: "What memories?"
Bajnok: "Before I joined the Peacekeepers I was a pilot in Colonel Williams' army. That day... it was such a beautiful morning, you know? First signs of spring in the air. And I remember... A nightingale. It was singing somewhere near the airfield. Such a beautiful song. Did you know nightingales can make up to a thousand different sounds? They're monsters!"
Aiden: "Yeah. Worse than Volatiles."
Bajnok: "That day... it was Black Monday."
Phil: "I warned you..."
Bajnok: "Of course you know about Black Monday: the day THV GenMod was dropped on the City. Thousands of people killed. And the virus? Instead of eliminating it, we made it worse."
Aiden: "(You were with Williams and now you're PK?) I didn't know Peacekeepers allowed Renegades in their ranks."
Bajnok: "No, no, no. You don't understand. It was before the Renegades. Williams led the military back then. It was after Black Monday that half the army mutinied against him for what he did. What I did... Jack Matt led the mutiny. They called themselves the Peacekeepers. So, I joined them. I was too weak to face responsibility."
Aiden: "(You dropped the chemicals?) You dropped the chemicals on Villedor?"
Bajnok: "You make it sound like it was just me, personally. But there were more of us. Did I have a bad feeling about it? Yes, because it was a top-secret order... The strangest thing was that my plane was fueled for a very short flight. Like, only to the City Center and back. But, you know. If we asked questions every time we were told to fly a mission, we'd be more likely to find ourselves holding a mop handle than a flight stick. The memory of it all... oh just I can't get over it. I feel like the lowest piece of shit on Earth."
Aiden: "(It's not your fault.) You're not responsible. The ones who were in charge are."
Bajnok: "I could have asked about the fuel."
Aiden: "You'd have to follow orders anyway."
Bajnok: "Maybe you're right. I'd have been punished for insubordination, but the other pilots would have followed the orders without question. One thing's for sure. The sound of that damn nightingale wouldn't freak me out so much. All right, Phil. I'll take the Monday shift."
Phil: "You will? Wow. Thanks..."
Aiden: "(Some orders shouldn't be obeyed.) Being a soldier doesn't mean you stop being human. You could have refused to fly that plane."
Bajnok: "But I was just following orders!"
Aiden: "You could have asked about the fuel. You could have asked what kind of bombs those actually were."
Bajnok: "I could."
Aiden: "You can't just say you were following orders and leave it at that."
Bajnok: "You're right. But I'm with the Peacekeepers now. Hope they never give me orders against my conscience. And I'm still not taking the Monday shift!"
Aiden: "(Sure. Sorry I asked.) Sorry I asked."
Bajnok: "Fine. Just go away and leave us alone, please."