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"And remember! Humanity created a civilization that turned out to be a colossus on clay legs! We cannot make the same mistakes! Do not listen to the ideologies preached by fools calling for reconstruction! There will be no rebuilding!"

Carl is a Survivor in Dying Light 2 Stay Human. He serves as the leader of the Bazaar in Trinity.


The Only Way Out

Upon leaving the Main Terminal Station, Carl can be found asking Anderson for help to avoid a rebellion. He is later also spoken to at the Bazaar.


Show: The Only Way Out

Carl: "You must help us, otherwise there will be a rebellion!"
Anderson: "Help us in the investigation, we'll help you with the bandits."
Carl: "I told you already! Nobody in the Bazaar had anything to do with Lucas's death!"
Anderson: "Then why won't you let us search your homes, huh? If everyone is so innocent, then there'd be nothing to hide."
Carl: "Keep your brutes away from our homes, Anderson!"
Anderson: "Sooo you're hiding someone. Time is running out Carl! You don't hand over the killer... we'll raze your precious Bazaar to the ground!"
Carl: "Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind, Anderson."
Anderson: "Don't bite off more than you can chew, old man."
(At the Bazaar)
Carl: "Who would have thought, a Pilgrim in the Bazaar... Welcome."
Aiden: "Yeah, I'm still alive, despite your best effort."
Carl: "It's clear to me you're holding a grudge. But if you were in my shoes, you would understand. We are responsible for the safety of our community. And we treat this seriously. That's why we did what we did. I hope you can forgive us. So... Pray tell, what's it like in the outside world these days?"

Aiden: "(Bad, and getting worse.) Bad. And getting worse. Settlements are shrinking in size and number. I'm afraid soon, there will be nowhere else to go."
Carl: "It doesn't surprise me, son. Humanity must reach the bottom in order to rise again. And this is why WE are here. Any more news?"
Aiden: "(Why don't you tell me more about your people?) Not really. But why don't you tell me more about your people?"
Carl: "We are called the people of the Bazaar, simply because of where we live. But who we are truly are free people. Free from lies, free from money, free from religion, wars, politics and the dark cloud that has blanketed the Earth."
Aiden: "Sound great. Too good to be true, in fact."
Carl: "Oh, we have our challenges. Water is scarce, for example. But with courage and patience, we will someday create a paradise."
Aiden: "You seem almost thankful for the collapse of civilization."
Carl: "It was as tragic as it was inevitable. Consumerism, belief in the almighty dollar, led to this catastrophe. So, we here strive not make the same mistake twice. It would be a crime. We want to create a new order based on social bonds. On family and community. A society where people support each other and adhere to justice. No need for the police, military or false authorities to shoot those they are meant to protect. We have a place for everyone. But let's get back to YOUR stories."
Aiden: "(You wanted me here for gossip?) Is gossip all you want from me, Carl?"
Carl: "No. But you came from outside and you're walking around my flock. So, to set things straight, I need to know if you're a sheep or a wolf. What are you then?"
Aiden: "(A sheep - I'm no threat to you.)"
Aiden: "(A wolf - you better watch out.)"
Aiden: "(I don't like that metaphor.) Not really a fan of this metaphor."
Carl: "Ah, yes... I see. Pilgrims are not people of metaphors or poetry. They prefer to act."
Aiden: "Yeah, about acting... I'm looking for Sophie."
Carl: "Are you? And why, pray tell?"
Aiden: "(I have a package for her.)"
Aiden: "(It's my own business.)"
Aiden: "(I need to ask her about Lucas's death.) I need to ask her about Lucas's death."
Carl: "Oh. Why would a Pilgrim care about PK business? What's in it for you?"
Aiden: "Let's say a man's death should be another man's concern. Isn't that what separates us from the infected?"
Carl: "I guess you have a point. Lucas's death is our concern as well, but mainly because we are the prime suspects. I have never hidden my views on the Peacekeepers. The old world fell because of people like them: greedy, power-hungry fascists. Building the new reality based on the old values would not be wise, to say the least. Of course, according to the PK, such claims automatically make me--and all of us--potential killers. So the sooner Lucas's murderer is found, the better for us. Go that way. You'll see a giant of a man. That's Herman, Sophie's bodyguard. She won't be far. But just to be clear... I'd be surprised if she knew anything about it. Sophie is a fighter. Not an assassin."
Aiden: "Thanks for the heads up. I'll see you around, Carl."