Confused Old Lady

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"What's the point in surviving if I have no one to share my life with."
Confused Old Lady

Confused Old Lady is a survivor in Dying Light 2 Stay Human.


An Exemplary Grandson

The Confused Old Lady is the quest giver for this quest, in which she asks Aiden to help get her her pills.


Show: An Exemplary Grandson

Confused Old Lady: "You can't just run off like that, Henny! Granny's not as pry as she once was..."
Aiden: "Henny? I'm not--"
Confused Old Lady: "Aren't you cold, darling? You never knew how to dress appropriately. I remember back in preschool how you'd put your undies on your head..."
Aiden: "I'm sorry, but I think you're mistaking me for somebody--"
Confused Old Lady: "It's about time you made it back here, Henny. I'm feeling a bit out of sorts today... why am I even standing here...? Aha! Did you get... do you have... those, uh... you know... help me out here, Henny...!"
Aiden: "I'm sorry... I'm Aiden, AID-EN. And I really have to get going."
Confused Old Lady: "Pills! That's it! You were supposed to bring me my pills! Ran out this morning... And my mind's all sort of... foggy..."
Aiden: "I... I'd like to help, but... okay. Let's see..."

Aiden: (...Where are these pills?) Where do you usually keep these pills, ma'am?""
Confused Old Lady: "Don't matter, Henny. You were supposed to refill my scrip at the pharmacy!"
Aiden: "Pharmacies aren't really open for business these days."
Aiden: "(Pretend to be her grandson.) I'm sorry, grandma. I forgot to pick up your pills. Can you remind me which pharmacy I have to go to...?"
Confused Old Lady: "God, I've forgotten everything... I know! This group of nice boys came this morning for coffee.. No... it was for tea. And they made me... I mean, I lent them my last bottle. They had such funny masks on their faces!"
Aiden: "You were robbed by Renegades?!"
Confused Old Lady: "Ah, yes... that might be what they called themselves... but they were nice boys."
Aiden: "Don't worry... grandma. I'll ask those boys to give it back... Where did they go after that?"
Confused Old Lady: "Uh... Somewhere over there... to those abandoned apartments behind me... I guess. Darling! Don't you boys get up to too much mischief together. I'll be waiting with a hot cup of tea by the windmill south of the VNC tower."

(After retrieving the medicine)
Aiden: "Here you go, ma'am-- I mean, grandma. I got your pills."
Confused Old Lady: "Took your sweet time, Jerry. Had to grab a pint with your mates after work again, is that it? You could've let me know before we got married that they were your true loves. Well, here's your tea. See what kind of wife you have?"

Aiden: "(Try to clear things up.) No! No! I'm not your husband, remember? I'm your grandson. Shit... now I'm confused! Take these, please! They should help."
Aiden: "(Pretend to be her husband.) The best kind. And after a hard day's work, a pint with the guys is a pardonable offense, isn't it? Take this, darling. You'll feel better."
Confused Old Lady: "That's so sweet you brought them, Aiden."
Aiden: "Wait... so you remember my name? You know who I am!"
Confused Old Lady: "I... oh my... Oh, alright. I might have exaggerated my memory problems a little bit... One can get used to this epidemic... even to the infected. But to loneliness - never. What's the point of surviving if I have no one to share my life with? And you, do you have a grandmother still alive? Do you drop by for tea with her?"
Aiden: "Never had a grandma."
Confused Old Lady: "Truly?! Then you do not even know what you are missing... I know so many stories! Would you like to listen?"
Aiden: "(No.) Thanks, but I have to go now. Till next time... grandma."
Confused Old Lady: "Yeah. As you wish, darling... Once the tea cools, I'll take my pills and go for a walk... Maybe I'll meet someone else, heehee."
Aiden: "(Yes.) I'd... I'd love to."
Confused Old Lady: "Drop by whenever you feel like it, and I'll be glad to tell you!"

(If approached again)
Aiden: "I'd love to hear your story now."
Confused Old Lady: "I am Bosnian. I survived the siege of Sarajevo by the Yugoslav Army during the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It started in 92' and lasted four years... The longest and bloodiest siege in the history of Europe after World War II. My mother and I were hiding in the basement. Very tight, very uncomfortable. It was hard to sleep. One day a boy showed up... he was maybe seven years old? His name was Denijal. His parents have been killed by mortar shells. Higher up, you could sneak away from snipers, avoiding unprotected streets, but you could never predict where the missile would fall... It was only a matter of time before Denijal would die. He came by every day... But my mother never suggested that he stay the night. We lacked food and a third person would have made it impossible to sleep... One day, Denijal sat with us and I could see how troubled he was... He had big brown eyes. Can I stay with you? Mother changed the subject. In the following days, she did that three more times. Until finally... she let him stay."
Aiden: "Why did she change her mind?"
Confused Old Lady: "I asked her the same question. She said: I had to remind myself what it meant to be human. I have remembered that my whole life. When the virus broke out, I sheltered dozens of immigrants. People think of themselves to survive, but they won't survive if they think only of themselves."
Aiden: "Wow... never thought about it like that. I'm glad I met you."