Council of Mankind

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The Council of Mankind was a governmental organization, consisting of the Party of Nations, the GRE and the Army, established in March 2023 in response to the growing THV pandemic and the increasingly evident collapse of civilization, later known as The Fall. Their mandate was to preserve what remains of mankind from the safety of Villedor which, at the time of the Council's founding, was relatively secure and mostly free of THV cases thanks to strict quarantine and containment procedures which had slowed the spread of the virus.

According to a newspaper article published in November 2024 praising Colonel Williams, the Council was disbanded shortly after June 24th, 2024, when, again according to the article, the first THV outbreak in Villedor took hold.

The article goes on to describe how, following the Council's breakup, the military, led by General Pratt, took over the GRE.


The Council comprised three key groups:

The Party of Nations

  • Russia, represented by Vice-President Dmytro Klapovsky in lieu of the "critically ill" President of Russia
  • France, represented by the Minister for External Affairs Bastien Daquin
  • Sweden, represented by the Minister for External Affairs Eva Tranat
  • Italy, represented by the First Interim Head of State Sergio Esposito
  • Germany, represented by Chancellor Olga Radke
  • New Britain, represented by Counselor William Hughes


  • The GRE is represented on the Council by GRE Chief Medical Officer Dr Kobayashi Katusmi.

The Army

  • The Army is the combined militaries of the countries of the Party of Nations. It is represented on the Council by Commander-in-Chief General Pratt.
CouncilofMankind Photo.jpg


The Council operated on a majority vote basis when it came to making decisions. Based on the number of sessions and the number of days between each recording available in the game as a collectible, it would appear that the Council convened a session approximately once per week, though it should be stated that we do not have access to recordings for the vast majority of sessions.

Key actions and reports

Below is a list of actions taken or proposals put forward by the Council of Mankind, either by individual members or the Council as a whole. Also in this list are any key remarks made in sessions on the situation at the time. This list is not exhaustive as records of every meeting do not exist.

1st session (March 21st, 2023)

  • Hughes announces, as part of his introductory speech opening the first session, that the weekly death toll in Europe alone is over two million.
  • Dr. Katsumi reports on the city's status, stating that the infection appears to remain under control in Villedor. She tells how there have been "a few isolated cases", but that strict quarantine and containment measures have slowed the spread of the infection. Dr. Katsumi adds that the GRE plans to build humanitarian aid centers and establish corridors for the transport of food and drugs.
  • Daquin requests that a detailed roadmap of the GRE's aforementioned aid plans be prepared for the following morning.
  • General Pratt proposes a regulation governing the relationship between the Army and the GRE. Daquin offers to assist in drafting the proposal, which Pratt declines, though Daquin interrupts and insists.

17th session (July 17th, 2023)

  • Hughes announces that the global situation is becoming increasingly dire, with a nuclear strike by Pakistan on Jammu, India. Several countries have also been declared lost to the virus: Hungary, Croatia, Portugal, Austria and Finland. Hughes adds that the British Prime Minister has died of THV the previous week.
  • Seizure of agricultural facilities and warehouses is underway, with the main distribution hub being managed by the Army. The Army has secured electrical substations and water towers. The Dynamo Cars factory has been successfully converted into a solar power plant.
  • General Pratt comments that the cooperation betwen the GRE and the Army has been "exemplary". Dr. Katsumi agrees.
  • General Pratt submits a motion for the GRE to provide the Army with THVGenMod samples and submit to military supervision of the GRE itself. Dr. Katsumi openly opposes this, stating it is too early. Daquin openly declares support for the motion and instructs Dr Kobayashi to assist the Army in developing a weapon based on the compound. The motion passes 3-5.

52nd session (June 9th, 2024)

  • By this session, Council members Radke, Esposito and Tranat have been arrested.
  • Pratt cuts power to the VNC Tower, interrupting the meeting with an explosion.
  • Pratt calls for work on THV GenMod to be expedited and for it to be ready to use. Dr Kobayashi insists it is not ready and reminds Pratt that "highly dangerous side effects" have been discovered.
  • Pratt reports that tens of thousands of migrants from Asia have amassed at the city gates and that the second largest camp in Europe, located in Greece, has collapsed and that the refugees from there are on their way to Villedor. General Pratt appears to counter this by announcing that the city walls have been reinforced and a recent THV outbreak in Villedor has been suppressed. Dr. Katsumi urges General Pratt to consider the humanitarian nature of the Council of Mankind and not dismiss the refugees as a problem.
  • General Pratt tells Dr. Katsumi that the GRE is increasingly being viewed as a villain, though the Doctor claims that the Army is pitting the people against the GRE.

Collectible tapes

The recordings of three separate sessions can be found in game under the following names:

Council of Mankind Session #1 (1st session)

Council of Mankind Session #2 (17th session)

Council of Mankind Session #3 (52nd session)