New Britain

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New Britain is a country that was formed after the departure of Scotland from the United Kingdom.

Status leading up to The Fall

By the first session of the Council of Mankind on March 31st, 2023 and according to the recording of said session, the Queen has passed away and Scotland has departed from the United Kingdom and a new country, New Britain, was established. New Britain is represented on the Council of Mankind by William Hughes, who calls himself the "counselor", though it is unclear whether this is a head of government title or not.


Little is known about Britain after the Fall, only that by the time of the events of Dying Light 2, and according to what Aiden has heard, London is all but gone and there are approximately four settlements left on the island.

Aitor is from Britain, specifically England, and last had contact with his family, who he says lived "in and around London", around 10 years ago.