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Dominik is child and a survivor who appears in Dying Light 2 Stay Human.


The Only Way Out

Dominik makes a minor appearance in this quest when Aiden is looking for Maya.

True Friends

Help Dominik find out what happened to the stray dog he used to play with.


Show: The Only Way Out

Aiden: "Hey, kids. I'm looking for a woman named Maya."
Dominik: "Hahaha!"
Aiden: "What's so funny?"
Dominik: "(laugh) Maya ain't a grown-up! She's just a plain old girl."
Aiden: "*You* who were the one trying to sell a PK weapon to Hubert?"
Maya: "Yeah, but the jerk didn't want it. Got all freaked out and chased me away."

Aiden: "(Where did you find the Lazarus?) How did you get ahold of a Peacekeeper weapon?"
Maya: "We all found it. Was wandering around with these punks and ran across a corpse. Happens a lot. He was totally dead. We searched him. And I took the brass whose-whatsits, cuz I figured someone'd pay a pretty penny for 'em."
Aiden: "(Give me the Lazarus.) Maya... I need that weapon. It's very important."
Maya: "You expect me to just hand that brass... whosi-whatsit over? Are you nuts?"
Aiden: "The whosi-whatsit's real name is the Lazarus, and it belonged to an important PK. We might have a war if I don't return it. You could help us find a murderer."
Maya: "Okay ... I'll give you the stupid thing. But for 500."
Aiden: "(Negotiate.)"
Aiden: "(I don't pay.) 500? Are you crazy? Besides... Why do you need so much money?"
Maya: "What planet are you from? we don't have water. And water costs money."
Aiden: "Maya. It's dangerous. Do you want the PK to arrest you? Give it to me now!"
Maya: "All right ... Nobody wanted to buy 'em anyway. Cut myself on 'em, too."
Show: True Friends

Aiden: "Hey, I'm looking for two kids - Scott and Moe."
Dominik: "Moe? He's my new best friend, ya know. After Buddy, of course..."
Aiden: "Seen him today?"
Dominik: "Today, no. But he and Scott started coming to play with me and Buddy a lot lately. Buddy didn't trust 'em at first, but now all four of us have a great time together! You know Buddy? Buddy's my dog... Haven't seen him, have ya? Pretty big, thick black fur. Chases balls like a puppy but he's pretty old, actually."
Aiden: "Nope, but didn't think pets were allowed at the Bazaar anyway. What about Moe and Scott? Any idea where they might have gone?"
Dominik: "Eh, who knows? But, Buddy... Buddy's a stray. He shows up here every day to play with me! I'd take him home but my uncle won't let me. Maybe one day... Hey, did you know it's not true that dogs only see in black and white? I have two toy balls and Buddy always fetches the blue one. It's his favorite."

Aiden: "(Interrupt him kindly) Amazing stuff but I gotta take off for now. Have to find Scott and Moe."
Dominik: "You bet it's amazing! I know a whole lot about dogs. Did you know a dog can make as many as ten different noises? Oh, Buddy... where is that dog?!"
Aiden: "(Interrupt him sharply) Listen, kid, I really don't have time for canine 101."
Dominik: "Okay, okay. If you don't like dogs, you should've said so."
Aiden: "I didn't--nevermind. Look, I'll let you know if I run across Buddy. Meanwhile, I have to find Scott and Moe."
Dominik: "Wait! I just got an idea! The Bazaar gate! Of course!"
Aiden: "(Why would Moe and Scott be there?) Why would Moe and Scott be at the Bazaar gate?"
Dominik: "I dunno. I'm talking about Buddy! There's bones all over the place there, cuz of, well... you know. Buddy digs like crazy by the Gate!"
Aiden: "(Is it about Buddy again? I'm in a rush.) Sorry kid, I don't have time for Buddy right now. I'm in a rush!"
Dominik: "Digging for human bones is pretty creepy to me. but Scott and Moe think it's hilarious."
Aiden: "Wait... So Scott and Moe may not have come out here after all? Anywhere else you know that they hang out?"
Dominik: "If you want'em that bad, I guess you could check along the King William IX Road. Scott showed us how to hunt martens around there."
Aiden: "Thanks for the tip. Don't worry, as soon as I find them, Buddy's next."
Dominik: "Thanks, mister. I hope so. If you do, maybe Buddy'll be your friend too."

(At the Bazaar after finding Scott and Moe)
Dominik: "I already checked around the church, but he wasn't there either. C'mon guys, Buddy's your friend now, too. Help me look!"
Nerys: "Now is not a good time, Dominik. Please leave my boys alone."
Dominik: "But what if something happened to him? We gotta do something! Scott... Moe! Say something... I'm asking nicely. Please?!"
Nerys: "Maybe your uncle can buy you a pet or something. He seems to be a man of some means. Now leave my boys alone!"
Dominik: "Hey! It's you, mister. You seen Buddy anywhere?"
Aiden: "So... you haven't told him anything yet?"

Aiden: "(Buddy died saving Scott and Moe.) I'm sorry, kid. Buddy's dead. But... he died saving your friends."
Nerys: "They... only just told me themselves. We didn't know how to tell you. That's why I asked you to leave. I didn't mean to be so harsh. It's just... such a shock. I'm sorry, Dominik, I-- Thank you for protecting my sons. And Dominik. He's so young. As for you... maybe you Pilgrims aren't just criminals after all. Here you are. You take care now."
Aiden: "(Scott and Moe lied to you.) Buddy's dead..."
Dominik: "Did... did you know about this?"
Aiden: "They lured Buddy away to hunt him. To kill him for food. But the Infected were swarming inside the building. If it hadn't been for Buddy, they'd be dead, too. Or worse."
Scott: "He's lying. We would never do that, Dominik. I swear!"
Aiden: "Moe explained it to me when I saved him. A birthday present for their mother, he said."
Dominik: "Is that true? Is that the reason you suddenly started playing with me and Buddy? Was that it?!"
Scott: "He's lying!"
Dominik: "Moe?"
Nerys: "You need to leave now."
Aiden: "The kid deserves to know the truth."
Nerys: "The truth...? An honest Pilgrim? Ha, that's a good one! People don't shun you for telling the truth, but for lies! Get the fuck out of my house before I call the guard."
Dominik: "I can't believe they'd do that. If they'd told me they were hungry, I would have helped. Especially for their Mom's sake. But now... I never want to see them again. Thanks for finding Buddy, mister. Now I'm sure he would have liked you. You're a good guy."
Aiden: "(Scott and Moe will tell you everything.) Buddy's dead... Scott and Moe can tell you what happened."
Dominik: "You saw--something happened? What happened to Buddy?"
Nerys: "Tell him, boys."
Moe: "Dominik... I'm sorry."
Scott: "Shut up!"
Moe: "Buddy... It's our fault."
Scott: "Shut up, dumbass!"
Nerys: "Be quiet, Scottie. Let him talk."
Dominik: "Your fault? How? What are you saying?"
Moe: "We... we lured Buddy away to hunt him. To... to kill him. But it was for our Mom. I swear. It's not like we were doing it for fun."
Dominik: "But... how could... Is that the reason you suddenly started playing with me and Buddy? Was that it?! Because unless you became friends with him, you knew Buddy wouldn't let you catch him?"
Nerys: "I'm sorry, Dominik. It's... it's my fault. We have so little and it's all the boys could think to do for my birthday. Forgive them, please. They meant you no harm, just the dog--"
Dominik: "JUST the dog? He was my best friend. And you... you all... I hate you, hate you, hate you!"
Scott: "But Mom... we just wanted to..."
Nerys: "I know... but what you've done. To Dominik. To that poor dog. Despite everything, I thought I raised you two better than that. I can't look at you right now. Thank you for finding them, and saving them. And giving them the chance to take responsibility for what they've done. You're a good man... for a Pilgrim. Take care of yourself."


The Only Way Out

  • "Leave it! It's mine!"
  • "Hey! This isn't funny, damn it!"