Hooded Nightrunner

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Hooded Nightrunner.png

Hooded Nightrunner is an outfit in Dying Light 2 Stay Human. It is earned through the agent system of Harper. It is based on the E3 2019 Outfit shown in the E3 2019 trailer and gameplay demo.

History of the outfit


Aiden on roof.jpeg

The outfit was first shown in the E3 2019 Gameplay Trailer, where Aiden Caldwell is seen wearing it while looking around Villedor and talking about life there. Short gameplay clips are also shown featuring this outfit. The outfit is seen again in the E3 2019 Gameplay Demo.


The outfit was seen again in May 2021 with the official gameplay trailer of Dying Light 2 Stay Human. The 2021 version of the outfit is also seen again in the gameplay trailer featuring the quest "A Place To Call Home", during the part where Aiden is picking which faction to give the electrical station to, the outfit can be seen.


In 2022, the outfit was shown in the skill tree reveal, showcasing the skill tree page with Aiden in the center wearing the outfit. Techland eventually added the Hooded Nightrunner outfit to the game files with Newgame+ though it was not obtainable until the next major update.

With In the Footsteps of a Nightrunner, the outfit was finally released along with an elite variant of it. The main differences between this version and previous versions is the jacket being much lighter and not having any design on the back, the glove has blue highlights and there are 2 bracelets.

Hooded nightrunner pre cu2.png

The outfit was slightly modified a few months later, making the hood more rounded. The outfit was also used for the collectible portrait in Dying Light 2 Stay Human: Bloody Ties.


With community update 2, the hood was once again changed, now it covers more of the hair of Aiden.
