A Place To Call Home

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"I was looking for Lawan, but she found me first. When I told her about Dylan and the GRE key, she agreed to help me get to the Fish Eye."
Quest description

A Place To Call Home is the eleventh Story Quest in Dying Light 2 Stay Human.


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Follow Lawan.
The city lit up in front of our eyes, only to plunge into darkness again moments later. Lawan hoped the lights would come back on for good and asked me to bring an electrical station online.

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Activate the electrical substation.
I was faced with a difficult decision: should the Peacekeepers control the source of electricity or to the local residents? In the end, I figured the Peacekeepers would manage it better.

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Defeat the Renegades.
While I was talking to the Peacekeepers about fixing the substation, a Renegade squad appeared. We repelled their attack.

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Talk to the Peacekeepers.
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Get inside the building.
After a short climb, I got into the substation building.

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Meet Lawan at the Fish Eye.
Lawan was supposed to be waiting for me at the Fish Eye canteen, but she wasn't there when I arrived.

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Ask for Lawan in the Fish Eye.
I finally found Lawan, and also met her friend, Danior. I don't think he liked me.

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Go after Lawan.
Lawan introduced me to Frank, a former Nightrunner and nowadays... well, an alcoholic and total train wreck. Shouts from the canteen interrupted us: it was under attack!

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Defend the Fish Eye.
Renegades had invaded the Fish Eye. And I'd heard this place was a safe haven. What were the Renegades doing here?

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Eliminate the Renegades at the entrance.
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Disable the cannon on the roof.
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Eliminate the Renegades on the lower floor.
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Disable the second rooftop cannon.
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Disable the third rooftop cannon.
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Help Lawan.
The Renegades almost had us, but Jack Matt and his Peacekeepers arrived in the nick of time. Matt wanted to know what happened to Aitor, so I told him about Waltz and the car factory massacre.

