Hubert Kerbatsos

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Hubert Kerbatsos, also known as Half-Assed Hubie, is an influential fence and scammer who operates in Old Villedor. He is notorious for scamming powerful people in a reckless manner.


"Part time Fence, full time scammer. An artless one, too. He's got half the city after him for debts right now. If anyone in Villedor is fool enough to buy a Peacekeeper weapon, it'd be him."

Hubert rose to prominence in Villedor for recklessly and repeatedly scamming clients. After being forced out of the Central Loop, he went to ground in Old Villedor, and began working for Dodger.

Hubert is a cowardly and bumbling man who prefers running away from his problems. He is cowardly and more than willing to sell out contacts if it means he avoids a beating, seen in his giving of Maya's location to Aiden.


The Only Way Out

Find out what Hubert knows about The Lazarus, Commander Lucas' weapon, in order to track down his murderer.

The Ball is in Your Court

Find out why Hubert has not reported back in to Dodger about a supply run.


Show: The Only Way Out

Aiden: "Hubie! Hubert! I just want to talk!"
Hubert: "Leave me alone. I ain't done anything! Don't hurt me. I don't know anything."
Aiden: "About what? I haven't asked you anything yet."
Hubert: "I don't know anything about anything. I swear!"
Aiden: "I'm told that you're a fence."
Hubert: "A fence? No way! Re-seller... maybe..."
Aiden: "I'm looking for the Lazarus. Used to belong to Lucas, the late PK commander. And don't try to tell me you don't know who Lucas is."
Hubert: "Well then I won't."
Aiden: "Know anything about the Lazarus?"
Hubert: "Are you kidding me? Even if I'd been offered those brass knuckles, I woulda refused. I'm not an idiot. That weapon is waaayyy too hot."

Aiden: "(Why did you run away from me?) Why did you run away from me?"
Hubert: "Cause every five minutes someone's comin' after me, man. Okay, I may have given people a reason to be mad. But I'll make thing s right. Soon! Eventually!! Maybe.."
Aiden: "(How do you know the Lazarus is a set of brass knuckles?) How did you know the Lazarus is a set of brass knuckles? I didn't say that."
Hubert: "C'mon... everyone knew about Lucas's little love glove. He was always showin' it off. If anyone thought I had 'em, they might also think I killed Lucas. Which is bullshit!"
Aiden: "But someone tried to sell it to you? Right?"
Hubert: "I told you, I... Okay fine. Maybe someone did, but... I can't say who! Client confidentiality!!"
Aiden: "Stop fucking around. Tell me, or--!"
Hubert: "Her name is Maya. I met her in the tenement building at Meatpacking Square, near the old butcher shop. But I don't know anything else. Leave me alone! It overlooks some army barracks or some shit."
Aiden: "I can find that."
Show: The Ball is in Your Court

Hubert: "How'd you find my secret entrance?"
Aiden: "You call that a secret?"
Hubert: "It was supposed to be. You're outta luck, though, buddy. I still don't know anything about anything."
Aiden: "Dodger sent me."
Hubert: "Dodger? Who i--"
Aiden: "He told me to say "Sayonara." That help?"
Hubert: "Okay. Shit. Ya shoulda started there."
Aiden: "Dodger's looking for the order you owe him."
Hubert: "I bet. See that? Busted leg. That's why I don't have Dodger's order."
Aiden: "You need help?"
Hubert: "Nah. Wait! Don't go back to him. He finds out I botched the job, I'm done around here."
Aiden: "Then what should I tell him?"
Hubert: "Don't matter, he won't give a shit! He'll think I'm fuckin' him over! Hey! Can you go for me? Check out this storage area, in an underground parking lot on Saint Joseph street. Cross the fence right in front of the massage parlour, enter the building and head down the elevator shaft."
Aiden: "Whoa! Slow down. First, what would I be looking for if I did this for you?"
Hubert: "GRE Containers, according to the rumor that reached Dodger. There was a military installation here, set up in the first days of the outbreak. And where there's military, there's usually a healthy stash of supplies!"
Aiden: "What kind of supplies?"
Hubert: "Dunno for sure. But usually good stuff from before the outbreak. It was only the finest for the military: medicine, booze, whatever!"
Aiden: "Oh... No wonder Dodger wants this delivery so badly."
Hubert: "Yep. Here... take these bangers and give it a try, will ya? It'd be a big score for all of us, but I'm outta the running now. Literally."

Aiden: "(Tell me about this base.) So... this is a military base?"
Hubert: "Yeah, they sprang up all over the city at the start of the outbreak. The base has a military side and a civilian side. The military side has the good stuff. The civilian side probably has more infected than loot. Look for the military entrance and you can't go wrong. Once you're inside, be careful. Getting to the storage area won't be easy. The setup usually includes generators. Find 'em to fire up their UV lights. Haha... That'll help against the biters that'll be campin' out there."
Aiden: "(Why do you work for Dodger?) Why do you work for Dodger?"
Hubert: "You need to ask? Same reason as you. We gotta do what we gotta do to survive. Dodger tips me off where I might find valuables and I go there. If I find some good stuff, I take a cut. A tiny one. A sliver. You know what vultures guys like Dodger are. It's barely enough to live on, but it's better than nothing, I guess. The worst is when Dodger gives me a bum lead. Then I get fuck all. That's happened more than once. No skin off Dodger's nose, though. He's got plenty of guys like me working for him."
Aiden: "(What happened to your leg?) What happened to your leg?"
Hubert: "Got jumped by bandits as I approached the site. Barely managed to get away. If you don't do this, Dodger'll kill me!"
Aiden: "(I'll be back soon.) Kay. I'll be back as soon as I can."
Hubert: "Thanks. You're saving my ass by doing this, buddy. You should head out there now. Most of the infected will have cleared out to go hunting." (Night)
Hubert: "Thanks. You're saving my ass by doing this, buddy. B-But I'd wait 'til night falls to go there. Both zones are probably filled to the brim with Infected right now." (Day)
Aiden: "Thanks for the tip!"

(After investigating the loot site)
Aiden: "How's the leg?"
Hubert: "Uh... no better. But, it'll heal. Eventually."
Aiden: "Oh, fantastic."
Hubert: "Something wrong?"
Aiden: "I had a chance to meet the bandits you mentioned before. They said you'd planned on cheating Dodger after all."
Hubert: "Okay, the cat's outta the bag. But look... It was gonna be just this once. Dodger'd never find out."
Aiden: "Why would you steal from a man who's giving you work?"
Hubert: "Look, I'm living by the skin of my teeth here. I thought, just this once, I'd pretend he gave me a bum lead and take the whole stash. Maybe get a little ahead for once."
Aiden: "And the bandits?"
Hubert: "Figured an ambush would sell the story better. Didn't exepct them to turn on me. But then, I'm an idiot, aren't I?"
Aiden: "Seems like it. Trusting a group of thugs like them. That's what you get for being greedy."
Hubert: "I wasn't being greedy! Just... Just desperate. Now I got a busted leg and don't know when I can work again. What happened to them, anyway?"
Aiden: "Well, they tried to kill me. But... didn't."
Hubert: "Whew...! Uh, a-a-and the goods? Did you... reach them?"
Aiden: "I got everything."
Hubert: "I'm begging you, don't tell Dodger. If you do, you'll ruin me. Please, take what you have to him. Tell him I'll be back in business as soon as my leg heals."

Aiden: "(Where'd you find those guys?) Why'd you even get mixed up with lowlifes like that?"
Hubert: "Seemed reasounable enough at first. Interested in helping for a small cut. Then they show up with this psycho, Klaus. Dammit. I'm such an idiot. I brought this all on myself... Don't tell Dodger. Please."
Aiden: "(I'll think it over.) I'll think it over."
Hubert: "C'mon, man. Without work, I'll starve. I won't even think about doing it again. I swear!"
Aiden: "Don't make me laugh. Think I'd take your word for anything after this?"
Hubert: "Believe me, I learned my lesson. I'll never do anything like that again."
Aiden: "We'll see."

(Upon returning after completing the quest)
Hubert: "What're you doing here?"
Aiden: "Wanted to see how you were. Didn't know I was being watched."
Hubert: "Sadist took his time crushing my other leg. Yodeled while he did it, too. Karma's gonna catch up with Dodger soon. He's fucked over too many people. You'd better watch your back."
Aiden: "I will. Can I... help you somehow?"
Hubert: "Got any toilet paper handy?"
Aiden: "No."
Hubert: "Then you can't. I've got food for a month, I'll get by."
Aiden: "Okay."