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Klaus is a survivor and thug in employ of Dodger who appears in Dying Light 2 Stay Human.


The Ball is in Your Court

After Aiden successfully exits the car park with supplies, Klaus, Jonas, and Mark meet him outside and thank him for making their job easier. Regardless of whether Aiden offers to split the loot or threatens them, Klaus tells Jonas and Mark as well as two unnamed heavy thugs to attack him, while slipping away in the meantime. Aiden can either fight and kill them, or run away.

Upon returning to Hubert, Aiden learns about Hubert's plan to double-cross Dodger, and that he hired Klaus's thugs to make it seem like he was robbed. However, they had decided to instead turn on Hubert and bring the supplies to Dodger themselves.

Unbeknownst to Aiden, Klaus tailed him to Hubert's residence and, once Aiden left, broke Hubert's other leg. When Aiden returns to Dodger and brings him the supplies, Dodger reveals Klaus is at the nearby bar and has already informed on Hubert.


Show: The Ball is in Your Court

Mark: "How're you holding up?"
Jonas: "I'll be fine. H-How 'bout you?"
Mark: "Who are you?"
Aiden: "You guys need help?"
Mark: "We'll be fine. Thanks."
Aiden: "What happened?"
Mark: "We heard... a rumor about this garage."
Jonas: "We thought it'd be an easy score. But... we were wrong. Dumbasses."
Mark: "Hey! Hey, at least we got far enough down to start up the old military generator and juice up some UV lights."
Aiden: "So, what happened then?"
Jonas: "Further down, the underground parking is fuckin' swarming with Infected."
Mark: "Barely made it out of there alive. And then part of a wall collapsed on Jonas on our way to the surface."
Aiden: "You won't mind if I give it a try, do you?"
Jonas: "Knock yourself out. But it's probably not worth it, unless you wanna end up like me. Or worse."
Aiden: "I gotta make good on a promise."
Mark: "Here. If you manage not to die, maybe you'll find use for these. We sure ain't going back. Not that way, at least."
Aiden: "Thanks."
(Upon returning with the supplies)
Jonas: "Wow. You made it."
Mark: "Did you find the stash?"
Aiden: "Sure did. Thanks for the lockpicks. But... what're you still doing here?"
Klaus: "Is this him?"
Jonas: "Sure is. Was kind enough to get the goods for us. Saved us a lotta trouble."
Klaus: "Very gut. So, vere did you find out about zis?"
Aiden: "A little bird. What's it to you?"
Klaus: "Vas it a little bird mit a broken leg?"
Aiden: "How would you know?"
Klaus: "Because I broke it."
Aiden: "Why'd you attack him?"
Mark: "Hubert was trying to take the goods for himself. Tell Dodger he didn't need anything. Needed our help to pull it off."
Klaus: "But we didn't know why we needed Half-Assed Hubie. And now we don't need you. So, give them to us."
Aiden: "Three against one? I like those odds."
Klaus: "Count again."

Aiden: "(Let's split the goods.)"
Aiden: "(Let's fight!) I counted. Five corpses."
Klaus: "Kill him and take the goods."

(Upon returning the supplies to Dodger)
Dodger: "Aiden! Whatcha got for me?"
Aiden: "I found these filters, for one."
Dodger: "Okay. Not setting my world on fire but I can move those for a nice profit."
Aiden: "How 'bout these? A bottle of cognac and a box of cigars."
Dodger: "Now that's what I'm talking about. You see, I knew there'd be something valuable at that military base. You see that, Urban? Can I sniff out the good shit or what? Kickass. Speaking of asses, what was Hubie's deal? Is he trying to duck out on me?"

Aiden: "(Hubert tried to cheat you.) Hubert was going to steal from you."
Dodger: "He fucking what?"
Aiden: "Was gonna say you'd given him a bum lead and take the goods for himself. Hired a gang to make the story more believable, but they turned on him, broke his leg."
Dodger: "You don't say... Hahaha... You're one cold bastard. I like you."
Aiden: "What...?"
Dodger: "And Half-Assed Hubie... Well, you know what they say, trust in God..."
Aiden: "(I helped him and I have your goods.) Hubert broke his leg. So I went and got the goods for him. He could use a doctor, or at least someone to look in on him while he's on the mend."
Dodger: "Oh yes, he'll definitely need a doctor..."
Aiden: "What're you talking about?"
Dodger: "You know what they say, trust in God..."
Klaus: "...but break your camel's legs just in case. Guten Tag."
Aiden: "What? This psycho works for you?"
Dodger: "Well... two solutions are better than one."
Aiden: "You wanted to kill me?!"
Dodger: "No, who said anything about killing...? I just told Klaus to get the loot. He can be a little overeager at times."
Aiden: "You jackass..."
Dodger: "Oh come on, don't pout. Look at Klaus. He's not mad about you killing his friends."
Klaus: "It's natural selection. You proved yourself stronger than them. You came in handy after all. I didn't know how to get to Hubie, but then you showed up. I waited until you were gone and paid him a visit."
Aiden: "What did you do to him?"
Klaus: "He was in terrible pain because of that broken leg. So I broke the other one. For balance."
Dodger: "That's what happens when you try to screw Dodger."

(If chosen to tell the truth to Dodger, the conversation proceed as follows)

Aiden: "I guess... but isn't that a bit extreme?"
Klaus: "Well, he won't be gazelling across the rooftops anymore, but he's still got a shot at a pro armwrestling career."
Aiden: "But he insisted that I turn the stash over to you!"
Dodger: "So? Once a cheat, always a cheat."

(If chosen to lie to Dodger, the conversation proceed as follows)

Aiden: "You fuckin' outta your mind?!"
Klaus: "No need to get all broken up about it!"

(Regardless of the option chosen)

Dodger: "Dura lex, sed lex. The time we live in are ruthless, and the law must be so too."
Aiden: "He's already learned his lesson! Said he wouldn't do it again!"
Dodger: "("Yeah? How can you be so sure?" if lied to OR "Riiight!" if the truth is told) Any idea how many people Half-Assed has conned? People who are also just trying to get by. Who have families to feed! He's been asking for trouble for a long time. He got what he deserved. And he won't scam anyone ever again. Remember. Rules are rules. With the whole world collapsing, we need them more than ever. Without them, we'd be no better than a pack of rats."
Aiden: "You call this "following the rules?" Your rules? You won't get away with this. Carl'll hear the whole story."
Dodger: "Carl? He won't dare touch me. I know too much about him. I know too much about everyone. Even Lucas respected me."
Aiden: "Who do you think is behind his death? Barney? Sophie?"
Dodger: "Barney and Sophie are just a pair of kids playing in a sandbox that's too big for them. On the other hand, they are really fucked up. You never know what might pop up in their heads. I know one thing, though: curiosity killed the cat."
Aiden: "Thanks for your concern, but I don't need it."
Dodger: "I saw the potential in you from the start. But I had to figure out who I'm really dealing with."
Aiden: "(And how did I do?) And how did I do?"
Dodger: "You're something else. ("But you still have a lot to learn, kid. You lied to me about Hubie. Aiden, Aiden, Aiden... this is no world for a saint." if lied about Hubert OR "Remind me not to turn my back to you, or I might get stabbed. But you've still got a lot to learn, boy. You think too much. This is no world for a saint." if told the truth about Hubert) A martyr, maybe... if you get yourself killed."
Aiden: "At least I'll have a clear conscience."
Klaus: ""Clear conscience"! Wunderbar."
Dodger: "No one has a clear conscience here. And, since you're still alive, neither do you. Right? What've you been getting up to, Pilgrim? What are you running from?"
Aiden: "(Shove those tests up your ass.) Next time, find yourself another patsy."
Dodger: "Feisty, I like it. We'll meet again, Aiden."