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Dodger is a character in Dying Light 2 Stay Human.


Dodger is a member of the Survivors and is one of the shadiest members of the group. He is the crime boss of the Bazaar and spends his days next to Urban's stand. Dodger is seemingly one of the few Survivors to possess an abundance of resources and actually sells them to other people, albeit at inflated prices. He is regarded as lazy and never does any work so he sends his muscle, Klaus and numerous other thugs, to do jobs for him. Despite his laziness, Dodger does have many people in his debt and only shows leniency in collecting or forgiving debts when he can gain even more.

Effects of Water Tower

If the Peacekeepers are sided with, the Bazaar is raided and destroyed by the Peacekeepers in retaliation for the Survivors' attack on the Old Villedor Master Windmill. It is unknown whether Dodger was killed in the attack, or managed to escape.

If the Survivors are sided with, the Bazaar is not destroyed and Dodger remains a resident there.


The Ball is in Your Court

While waiting for a response from Hakon, Aiden Caldwell can speak to Dodger and inquire about a job. Dodger informs him that he hasn't received a delivery or response from Hubert Kerbatsos for a few days and would like Aiden to check in on him.

Stolen Goods

If the Horseshoe Water Tower is assigned to the Survivors, Dodger can also be asked about the location of Teresa's stolen flour. Dodger will reveal that the flour is actually his, since Benny lost it in a poker match and now they owe Dodger a large debt. Upon learning that Teresa and Benny staged the theft, Aiden will return to Dodger.


Show: The Ball is in Your Court

Aiden: "You look anxious."
Dodger: "Look, Urban, your nosy friend's back."
Urban: "Found a job?"
Aiden: "No luck yet."
Dodger: "It's not about luck, kid, but about character."
Aiden: "Like yours?"
Dodger: "Hmm. Ballsy. Okay, then. What does your hungry soul crave?"

Aiden: "(Information.) Someone like you must know a lot."
Dodger: "Out of modesty, I won't deny it."
Aiden: "Maybe a little bird told you what might've happened to Lucas?"
Dodger: "You know... I heard a Pilgrim has come to the city. Very nosy, grills people about stuff. Gets in the way. Sounds a lot like you. Can't be a coincidence."
Aiden: "Sure it can."
Dodger: "Don't believe in 'em."
Aiden: "You know anything about Lucas or not?"
Dodger: "That kind of information's expensive. You can't afford it."
Aiden: "I could work for it."
Aiden: "(A job.) Got any work I can do?"
Dodger: "Leave your CV with my secretary and we'll get back to you."
Aiden: "C'mon. Don't fuck with me. I'm serious."
Dodger: "You barge in here like you own the place? Takes coconut-sized balls!! That's my kinda man. Or should I say, Pilgrim? Okay. I might have a small errand for a tough guy like you. Take care of it, and we'll see whether you're worth knowing."
Aiden: "What do you need?"
Dodger: "Minor thing. Need you to check in on a guy who's late delivering my order. Been incommunicado for a few days now. Might be trying to avoid me. He usually doesn't keep me waiting. No one does."
Aiden: "Who's the guy?"
Dodger: "Hubert. Half-Assed Hubie, we call 'em."
Aiden: "Met him. Lives up to his nickname."
Dodger: "Need you to find out what's up with him this time."
Aiden: "Okay. I'll come back after I've spoken to him."
Dodger: "He lives in the tallest building on the edge of Trinity Court, opposite the Bazaar, on Horseshoe. Can't miss it. But getting to him is another story."
Aiden: "(What do you mean?) Why?"
Dodger: "Hubert is not just a fence. He makes money where he can. And now he's hiding from half the city. He's super paranoid. Lives like a rat in a maze, to keep himself safe. You'll need to climb up and find one of his "secret passages" to get in."
Aiden: "(I can handle it.) I can handle it."
Dodger: "When you're there, give him the password, 'Sayonara', so he knows I sent you."
Aiden: "Got it."

(Upon returning the supplies to Dodger)
Dodger: "Aiden! Whatcha got for me?"
Aiden: "I found these filters, for one."
Dodger: "Okay. Not setting my world on fire but I can move those for a nice profit."
Aiden: "How 'bout these? A bottle of cognac and a box of cigars."
Dodger: "Now that's what I'm talking about. You see, I knew there'd be something valuable at that military base. You see that, Urban? Can I sniff out the good shit or what? Kickass. Speaking of asses, what was Hubie's deal? Is he trying to duck out on me?"

Aiden: "(Hubert tried to cheat you.) Hubert was going to steal from you."
Dodger: "He fucking what?"
Aiden: "Was gonna say you'd given him a bum lead and take the goods for himself. Hired a gang to make the story more believable, but they turned on him, broke his leg."
Dodger: "You don't say... Hahaha... You're one cold bastard. I like you."
Aiden: "What...?"
Dodger: "And Half-Assed Hubie... Well, you know what they say, trust in God..."
Aiden: "(I helped him and I have your goods.) Hubert broke his leg. So I went and got the goods for him. He could use a doctor, or at least someone to look in on him while he's on the mend."
Dodger: "Oh yes, he'll definitely need a doctor..."
Aiden: "What're you talking about?"
Dodger: "You know what they say, trust in God..."
Klaus: "...but break your camel's legs just in case. Guten Tag."
Aiden: "What? This psycho works for you?"
Dodger: "Well... two solutions are better than one."
Aiden: "You wanted to kill me?!"
Dodger: "No, who said anything about killing...? I just told Klaus to get the loot. He can be a little overeager at times."
Aiden: "You jackass..."
Dodger: "Oh come on, don't pout. Look at Klaus. He's not mad about you killing his friends."
Klaus: "It's natural selection. You proved yourself stronger than them. You came in handy after all. I didn't know how to get to Hubie, but then you showed up. I waited until you were gone and paid him a visit."
Aiden: "What did you do to him?"
Klaus: "He was in terrible pain because of that broken leg. So I broke the other one. For balance."
Dodger: "That's what happens when you try to screw Dodger."

(If chosen to tell the truth to Dodger, the conversation proceed as follows)

Aiden: "I guess... but isn't that a bit extreme?"
Klaus: "Well, he won't be gazelling across the rooftops anymore, but he's still got a shot at a pro armwrestling career."
Aiden: "But he insisted that I turn the stash over to you!"
Dodger: "So? Once a cheat, always a cheat."

(If chosen to lie to Dodger, the conversation proceed as follows)

Aiden: "You fuckin' outta your mind?!"
Klaus: "No need to get all broken up about it!"

(Regardless of the option chosen)

Dodger: "Dura lex, sed lex. The time we live in are ruthless, and the law must be so too."
Aiden: "He's already learned his lesson! Said he wouldn't do it again!"
Dodger: "("Yeah? How can you be so sure?" if lied to OR "Riiight!" if the truth is told) Any idea how many people Half-Assed has conned? People who are also just trying to get by. Who have families to feed! He's been asking for trouble for a long time. He got what he deserved. And he won't scam anyone ever again. Remember. Rules are rules. With the whole world collapsing, we need them more than ever. Without them, we'd be no better than a pack of rats."
Aiden: "You call this "following the rules?" Your rules? You won't get away with this. Carl'll hear the whole story."
Dodger: "Carl? He won't dare touch me. I know too much about him. I know too much about everyone. Even Lucas respected me."
Aiden: "Who do you think is behind his death? Barney? Sophie?"
Dodger: "Barney and Sophie are just a pair of kids playing in a sandbox that's too big for them. On the other hand, they are really fucked up. You never know what might pop up in their heads. I know one thing, though: curiosity killed the cat."
Aiden: "Thanks for your concern, but I don't need it."
Dodger: "I saw the potential in you from the start. But I had to figure out who I'm really dealing with."
Aiden: "(And how did I do?) And how did I do?"
Dodger: "You're something else. ("But you still have a lot to learn, kid. You lied to me about Hubie. Aiden, Aiden, Aiden... this is no world for a saint." if lied about Hubert OR "Remind me not to turn my back to you, or I might get stabbed. But you've still got a lot to learn, boy. You think too much. This is no world for a saint." if told the truth about Hubert) A martyr, maybe... if you get yourself killed."
Aiden: "At least I'll have a clear conscience."
Klaus: ""Clear conscience"! Wunderbar."
Dodger: "No one has a clear conscience here. And, since you're still alive, neither do you. Right? What've you been getting up to, Pilgrim? What are you running from?"
Aiden: "(Shove those tests up your ass.) Next time, find yourself another patsy."
Dodger: "Feisty, I like it. We'll meet again, Aiden."
Show: Stolen Goods

Aiden: "You Dodger?"
Dodger: "Well, well. The Pilgrim himself. Here's a piece of advice. The next time you offer someone water, ask if they're thirsty first."
Aiden: "What's your problem?"
Dodger: "My problem is whole tank of agua fresca that nobody wants to buy anymore."
Aiden: "I just want to ask you a few questions."
Dodger: "Are you shitting me? Do I look like an information booth? I've got a business to run here. You don't have business? Then get outta my face."

Aiden: "(I'm looking into a flour theft.)"
Aiden: "(Quit barking and let me talk!) Quit barking and listen."
Dodger: "And if I don't?"
Aiden: "Then you won't find out that Teresa's flour is gone."
Dodger: "What the fuck are you talking about?"
Aiden: "(Know where Teresa's son might be?) Know where Benny might be?"
Dodger: "Do I look like his mother? Believe me, he's on top of my 'Where are they now?' list. Went down in flames in our last card game. He almost literally bet the farm... and lost! So if you're looking for that flour, it's not Teresa's or Benny's no more. It's mine. The kid owed it to me. And if it's missing, it was stolen from me!"
Aiden: "Ah ha. So Benny is in your debt."
Dodger: "Big time. Up to his ears, you might say. In flour."
Aiden: "You think he stole it?"
Dodger: "Could be. He's a dumb kid who might think that'll stop me from trying to collect."
Aiden: "I need to find him, then."
Dodger: "Ask Mother Teresa. She's usually got the boy on a short leash. Except for poker nights. Clearly."
Aiden: "(Tell me what you know about Anna.) What do you know about a woman named Anna?"
Dodger: "What? The one who works for Teresa? Not all that much. Used to play cards with her husband, before he, you know, bit it. He never said boo about her. Not even a few pints in. That says something, right there. So now you know, I have the most skin in this game. That flour isn't found, I'm the big loser. So maybe check out Teresa's storehouses. Seems like just the place a dumb kid like Benny would think he could hide. And if you do get your hands on the flour, just kindly bring it straight to me. I'll pay ya handsomely for the service, of course. It'll save everyone a lot of grief, and hey, I get my flour, we can put this behind us."

(After speaking to Benny and Teresa)
Dodger: "Let's make things lively. One hundred more."
Urban: "No frickin' way. Unless you're willing to cut the time by ten seconds!"
Dodger: "Deal!"
Urban: "Livin' dangerously! It was already an impossible task."
Dodger: "We'll see about that! Aiden! Find my flour yet?"
Aiden: "That's what I'm here about. Teresa and Benny are in dire straits. Can you forgive their debt? Or at least give them more time?"
Dodger: "Fuck that! How many times do I have to say, I'm not running a charity! I didn't force Benny to play cards. You know, a man can't pay his debts, well, he's not a man, is he?"
Urban: "Stupid is as stupid does. Maybe when they got nothing left but the skivvies on their butts, they'll have learned a valuable lesson."
Dodger: "Know what, Aiden... Actually, I think I got something to help everyone. Honestly, who cares about flour. I'm gonna be baker alluva sudden? I don't think so. But I do want what I'm owned and me 'n Urban we got this bet..."
Urban: "Wait! Whoa! No fair. Not him! He runs on walls!"
Dodger: "Of course it's fair. Ain't no rules against having him get'em. Pull this off Aiden, and what Urban'll have to pay me will more than cover my losses on the flour. And there'll be extra I can throw your way."
Aiden: "What exactly are you talking about here?"
Dodger: "You see, on top of the church, there's this, well, let's call it a flag. Can't see it from the ground, but this flag, well, it's not a flag... You'll know it when you see it. Urban and I made a bet that I could find someone who could nab it for us. I've been raising the stakes for years, and Urban's called me every time. With the amount on the line now, it'd be a sin not to give it a try."
Urban: "Eh, I'm in no hurry. Rather you just keep raising the stakes, til it gets real juicy."
Dodger: "What's that? Fear suddenly got you all puckered?"
Urban: "Nah, I'm just looking out for you. It'll ruin you if you lose now, bein' out the flour and all..."
Dodger: "I'm game if Aiden is. The time limit's pretty fucking brutal, but I got faith in Aiden here. You in?"

Aiden: "(I'll do it.) Let's do this."
Dodger: "Then let's just get to it, shall we? Three... two... one... go! Andale, Aiden! Make me proud!"
Aiden: "(Let's settle this another way.) I don't have time for games. Let's figure something else out."
Dodger: "Ehh, a cryin' shame. Our bet will have to wait. But that flour's worth a lot, Aiden. For me to forget that debt, you'd have to make me whole some other way. And I mean whole! Unless you tell me where the flour is. Because in that case, I'll just send my men to retrieve it."
Aiden: "(Tell him it was Teresa.) Fine. The flour is by the Water Tower. Teresa hid it there."
Dodger: "Figures. Thanks for the tip. I'll go round up some guys with shovels. They'll take back what's mine. Thanks, Aiden. You did good. Urban, you coming with me?"
Urban: "I'll, uh, supervise. But no digging for me. Bad back."
Dodger: "You're one lazy bastard, you know that, right? Take this, my new friend. You saved the day."
Aiden: "(Pay Teresa's debt.) Okay, I'll pay you."
Dodger: "Great. Bring me some loot and I'll forget the debt."

(If chosen to do the challenge)
Dodger: "Did I tell you, Urban? I told you! Been waiting years for this! We've got a winner! The Undie Challenge has been conquered! Way to go, Aiden!"
Urban: "Alright, alright. Don't get so excited. You're ugly when you gloat, you know that?"

Aiden: "(What's the story behind this 'flag'?) What's the deal with this 'flag'?"
Urban: "It's a pair of Carl's old undies!"
Aiden: "You put Teresa and Benny's life at stake for some old underwear?"
Dodger: "This was more about the bet itself. But the undies are symbolic. There's a great story behind them, too. No one remembers when exactly, but long ago, a wild wind blew Carl's laundry off his line and it got stuck on the roof. Carl wanted mount some big mission to rescue his clothes. Can you believe that? Everyone refused, of course. No one could climb that high. Off and on, a good wind would sometimes bring down a sock, maybe a shirt. But Carl's undies stuck there, flying proud. Urban bet me that I would never find someone who could fetch them for us. But I did!"
Aiden: "(You'll forgive Teresa and Benny's debt now?) You'll cancel Teresa and Benny's debt now?"
Dodger: "Like it never existed. And you, my new friend, you saved the day! Take this with my thanks."

(If chosen to pay off the debt)
Dodger: "And? You still mean to pay Teresa and Benny's debt? You got the goods?"
Aiden: "Yeah. Sure."
Dodger: "Excellent. Case closed."
Aiden: "You'll leave them alone now, yeah?"
Dodger: "Mother Teresa who?"
