Night Club

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"So you want to blind your enemies, at the same time you're electrocuting them and setting them on fire? Not EVEN a problem"
In-Game description

The Night Club is a weapon modification that appears in Dying Light. Its blueprint can be acquired at the start of the game through the Ultimate Survivor Bundle DLC pack. It applies a medium electricity effect and a medium burning effect and can only be used on Pipes


The Night Club is a particularly powerful early game weapon as it can be the first weapon with two medium status effects while only requiring a pipe as the main ingredient. It is able to burn and electrocute zombies while also having a substantial read and is best combined with the Power Attack. However its use will decline as better blueprints for better weapons are found




Night Club
  • Pipe
  • Electricity - Medium
  • Burning - Medium



  • The weapon is seemingly attached to a fully functional fluorescent lamp
  • Despite this, it does not give off significant lighting
  • It is one of the few weapon upgrades that can only be applied to one type of weapon